Enjoy Your Webkinz’s Outdoor Yard

Every Webkinz enjoys getting outside to play. Why not make the perfect outdoor room for your pet?

First, be sure to add an outdoor room if you do not already have one. Then visit the W shop and click on the Outdoors Category. You make a garden, add trees, patio furniture, fences and even a grill! Don’t forget the pool and trampoline for exercise and a nice hammock to nap in.

Trees available are:

Cherry Blossom Tree – this tree covered with pink blossoms makes any yard look full of spring

Elm – a nice shady tree, a perfect place for a hammock!

Fir – A great tree for climbing or decorating

Garden Spruce – a tall thin tree that looks great anywhere

Palm – who doesn’t love a touch of the tropics in their yard?

Flowers available are alliums, iris, daisies, and sunflowers as well as assorted flowers, flower pots and topiaries. Make an eye-popping garden for your webkinz to enjoy.

Why not grow you own garden? Farm fresh food gives an extra boost to your pets. Go to the Gardening section of the W Store and you can purchase seeds. Plant them in your outdoor yard to grow your own food. Tend to your garden every day to grow the best crops!

Crops available are:

Cabbage – yields up to 2

Carrots – yields up to 3

Corn – yields up to 4

Pumpkin – yields 1

Strawberries – yields up to 4

Tomato – yields up to 5

Watermelon – yields 1

Trampolines and Pools are the perfect place for fun and exercise. They give your webkinz a health boost as well!

And what yard wouldn’t be complete without a grill? Here are a few grill recipes to get you started.

  • Wacky Grazzdotazz
    • Grapefruit, Lollipop, Raspberries
  • S’Mores
    • Cookie, Chocolate Bar and Marshmallows
  • Bouncaleafulls
    • Cookies, Jelly, Salad
  • Turretango Twist
    • Cake, French Fries, Salad

And don’t forget to add a snowman to your outdoor yard in the winter!

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