Essential Moving Tips

Having been married to a man in the military, I’ve done my fair share of moving over the years. Here are some of the tips I have picked up along the way. Number One is to get organised. This early start will pay you dividends all through the move, and is the best tip I can give.

1. Start early! As soon as you know you are going to move, start making lists and planning things. Anything that you aren’t likely to use before the move can be packed immediatly eg Christmas decorations, unused kids toys or winter coats.

2. Use the Internet. The Internet is a fabulous tool for find lists/tips from other people and for getting quotes from removal companies etc. Now is the time to research utility companies and see what the best deals are in the area you are moving to.

3. If you have very precious or delicate items, think about giving them to friends or relatives to look after during the move. Precious ornaments will be better packed up and stored in a box in a friend’s garage than thrown into the back of a truck!

4. Make up a basket of essentials to take with you in the car ready for when you arrive. This pack should include toilet paper, kettle, biscuits, coffee/tea, baby items, mugs, spoons. Take an overnight bag of personal things and clothes for the next day so boxes don’t have to be unpacked as soon as you get there.

5. Keep a box handy for your hoover and cleaning spray/cloths. Once the removal men have left you will want to clean wipe/hoover where the furniture has been. You will want this box when you get to your new home to wipe over surfaces before you put everything away, especially if the person moving out wasn’t as considerate as you are, and has left a mess. If the house is unfurnished, take bedding, bed linen and a set of curtains with you – at least you will be able to have a good night’s sleep.

6. Consider booking a night at a hotel on the day you move. You can then be sure of a hot meal and a cozy bed. It is best if children are sent to stay with friends or relatives for the day/night of the move.

7. Decide what will happen to your pets while you move. It may be best to put them in a pet hotel for a few nights until you are settled and have checked where they will sleep and that fences etc are in good repair.

8. Make a list of all your utility companies and let them know the date of your move. Most of them will simple change over you account to the new address.

9. When packing, don’t muddle items from different rooms together in the same box. Write a list of the rooms you have in the new house and label boxes with these names, not the names of the rooms in your old home. Think about color -coding the rooms and tying colored ribbon onto the boxes. This makes it easier for yourselves or the removal company when unpacking the truck. Tie corresponding ribbon around the door handles of the rooms so they know where the boxes are to go.

10. While packing, take the opportunity to throw things out. If you haven’t used things for four or five years, you probably never will. If they aren’t heirlooms, throw them out!

Good luck, and above all, remember that it isn’t as bad as it seems – very soon it will all be over and you will be settled.

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