Essential Tools for the Gardener

Anyone who tends a garden, whether a flower garden or edible garden, knows that using the right tools will not only make things easier, it will make things more enjoyable. By knowing the right tool to use for the job and knowing how to use it, you’ll lessen your workload and increase your satisfaction in tending your garden. The following are some tools that you will find essential for getting the job done.

Round-nosed Shovel
This is one of the most common in digging tools and it is one of the most useful. The shovel consists of a concave blade with a pointed tip and a long handle, usually made of wood. You can also get a handle with a D-shape on the end in a shorter length.

The spade is a lot like the round-nosed shove, however, it has a flat blade. This is used for cutting straight down into the soil, however, it is not a good tool to use for digging into hard or rocky soil. It is, however, great for cutting roots and sod.

Garden Rake
This tool is a necessity for removing debris, such as rocks, from your garden, and for leveling soil. A bow rake is best for this, however, make sure you have a leaf rake on hand for fall use.

Most gardeners love to use the hoe as it is so versatile. It can be used to uproot weeds, mix soil, and furrow a row to plant seeds. While there are a wide variety of hoe types available, they are only different by the shape and size of their blade. When purchasing a hoe, make sure you buy one that is comfortable to use and not too heavy.

Garden Fork
Also called a pitch fork or digging fork, this tool is great for mixing soil, compost material, and breaking up uncultivated soil.

Other items you may find to be handy in the garden include the wheelbarrow, a cultivator (resembles a hoe), pruners (there are a wide variety-make sure you have hand pruners, however, if you have hedges, an electric pruner works better), a bow sow (for cutting larger limbs), and a pruning saw (for cutting smaller limbs).

There are many more tools that the avid gardener will find helpful to their work in the garden. Shop around and when purchasing your tools, buy quality tools from a reputable manufacturer and you’ll find they last longer.

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