Eureka Maxima Vacuum Cleaner

I bought the Eureka Maxima vacuum after a bad experience with the Hoover Fusion. The Maxima is a bright yellow at the base and at the top of the canister.The rest of it is gray. It has a bag-less canister with a filter that can be cleaned out and washed. It is supposed to only need replacing once a year. The filter is the only thing I really don’t like so far. It gets really clogged up with dirt and hair and isn’t that easy to clean. For the money I spent on this vacuum it is well worth the cost though. I payed $60 for it and it’s good features far outweigh the bad. Even the “bad” features aren’t really bad. You just need to get used to them. For example, the hose is awkward for the first few times to use as an attachment. Once you get the feel for it though, it’s pretty easy to use. The area where the hose attaches to the base for when you are vacuuming the floor and not using the hose as an attachment can also be frustrating at first. This is because after you have taken the hose nozzle out from the base to use the hose as an attachment,if you don’t really push the hose back into the base tight, it will come loose as you are vacuuming the floor.

The good things about the Eureka Maxima vacuum are that it has great suction power, a small enough width that you can fit it into tighter spots but large enough that it covers a good amount of floor with each pass, automatic height adjustment, a long cord, a bright light, three attachments to add on to the hose, it’s not really noisy, and the best part is, it’s very lightweight. I think that for the price this vacuum costs it is just about as high quality as most vacuums that cost twice as much. I know that after what I experienced with two of the Hoover Fusions at a cost of $130 for the first one and $100 for the second one that I would much rather spend $60 on the Eureka Maxima because I am saving money and actually getting a product that works. I am thinking of buying another one of these little sweethearts to keep for the upstairs, even though this one is plenty lightweight enough to carry up and down the stairs. This is just how much I like this vacuum, that I would consider buying a second one. If you are in need of a reliable vacuum that’s convenient to use, check out the Eureka Maxima.

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