Every Teacher’s Back to School Parent Wish List for ’06 – ’07!

Children aren’t the only ones that sit around making up wish lists for back to school. Teachers do too. If you’ve ever wondered just what a teacher wants out of his/her school year from parents, read on because these may surprise you!

#1. Your Child Will Be Okay.

Most parents of young children always intend to take their child to school on the first day, stay a few hours to make sure the child will be okay, and then when the parent starts to leave, the child begins to cry � then the parents attends school with the child for the first two weeks!

Once you leave, your child will be okay.

Visit the school a few days prior to the first day of school. Most schools provide an open house for this purpose specifically. Meet the faculty, tour the school but try to avoid taking your child to the classroom on the first day. This gives your child the idea that Mom or Dad believes the child can’t do it and the presence of the parent/s on the first day simply makes it harder for the teacher to conduct the classroom.

Teachers need to develop a relationship with their students, they also need to express the expectations, go over the rules and have every child’s undivided attention. If you’re child looks uneasy, rest assured that once you leave your child he/she will meet the other children, talk to the teacher, and by the end of the day, come home a happy child ready to go to school the next day.

If your child isn’t ready for another day of school, don’t worry because it’s normal. Often it takes a few weeks to get the hang of something new, and school is no exception.

#2. Talk to Me!

Parents are always asking teachers, “Why haven’t YOU contacted ME?”

The phone works both ways. Parents are not the only humans on the planet that work a nine to five day; teachers do too! During the day, teachers are teaching and at night teachers are grading papers, preparing for the next day, as well as taking care of their own families too.

All the responsibility of communication should not rest upon only the shoulders of a teacher. If a parent wants to know about their child’s progress then they should be involved, it’s okay to pick up the phone or write a note first.

#3. Ask Me First,

If your child runs to you and tells you an outlandish story or a story that you believe may be true, ask the teacher before making accusations. This is not saying that your child is lying or exaggerating an issue; it does mean that there are two sides to every story and someone involved in the story could have misunderstood something.

Tell the teacher what your child has said, ask him/her about the incident, and talk to them about it.

Most often than not, just as surprised you may be to hear what your child has to say about the classroom � you can bet the teacher flinches sometimes about the things that students say about home.

#4. I Do Need Help �

This is the last thing a teacher wants to say to a parent because teachers know that parents are busy, some teachers will not ask, and if you can lend a helping hand, say that you can.

Some parents stay at home and they love to help with school functions while others that work outside of the home can’t find the time to be involved as much as they would like to.

If you can help, do let the teacher know because your service and your time will be valued! Sometimes school budgets just don’t allow for all teachers to have an assistant and if you want those graded papers sent home on time, it’s a good idea to offer your help.

#5. Children Need Lots of Sleep?

Yes, children do need sleep and some parents just don’t understand the whole concept of adequate rest because lots of parents don’t get much rest, children can’t function without a good night’s sleep though.

Be serious about the child’s education. Develop a nightly routine, ensure your child at least nine hours devoted to sleep each night, and enforce a bedtime.

Children suffering from lack of sleep, lack concentration and have a short attention span. A child that doesn’t rest adequately âÂ?¦ will not learn adequately.

#6. Homework is Important � Really!

Be involved with your child’s assignments and understand that homework is a refresher of what’s been taught earlier in the day or the class’s focus for the week.

Let your child know that homework is important and don’t be surprised when the next report card rolls around, teach your child the importance of ‘practice makes perfect’.

#7. Show Concern of Class Rules

While it is a teacher’s job to explain the class rules and in essence, to enforce them, parents can help a lot. Behavioral issues are a growing problem in school systems around the country but when a parent also takes the time to explain the class rules and encourage their children to follow them, the plan works better.

Children learn to show respect from their parents, and if a parent respects the rules set forth, the child is likely to carry the same respect. Teachers also want parents to be familiar with class rules too, and if a parent has questions about rules, a teacher is always happy to explain them.

In the End �

Teachers love to teach and children love to learn. Parents should be as involved as their schedules allow them to be not only for the good of their own child, rather for the good of the entire class.
Both teachers and parents want children to excel in school, isn’t it better when they all work together and communicate?

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