Excellent Dance Classes in Green River, Wyoming

Dance Illuzions is a recent dance program to the Green River area. The teacher, Kara Campbell, has been teaching ballet for over 12 years. She has trained with Ballet West and taught dance in several areas, including Seattle, Portland and Salt Lake City. Her credentials are excellent and her manner with her students is wonderful to watch. She encourages, pleasantly corrects and makes her students feel like they enjoy dance, no matter what their skill level.

Dance lessons can be a wonderful experience for any child. Dance helps children build self-confidence, balance, and flexibility while learning the different dance techniques. Dance, especially tap, has been shown to develop the left side of the brain, which helps with math and other similar types of learning. Dance is a great opportunity for children to perform, and become comfortable in front of an audience. Dance also gives children an appreciation for music and the fine arts. Dance is a great way to build physical fitness opportunities into your child’s day.

Dance Illuzions offers several types of dance:

Creative Movement, which is a beginning class ofr young children ages 3-5. This class introduces movement and dance, and teaches beginning dance terminology.

Hip Hop, which is the dance class to take if your children want to learn the dance moves they see on TV and in movies. This class is flashy and upbeat, and Dance Illuzions offers hip hop classes for different age groups, 7-10 years, 11-14 years, and 15+ years. There is also a boys funk class (7+ years) so that boys can learn to dance in an all male class. Ms. Campbell even offters an adult hip hop class for fitness and fun.

Tap, which teaches children rhythms, beats and simple to complex steps, done with music. This class teaches the fundamentals of calssical dance, and is a good foundation for other dance classes. The tap classes are also done by age group, 5-7 years and 8-11 years.

Jazz, which is the most popular class at Dance Illuzions, is derived from ballet, but takes it a step further. It is a great class for developing flexibility and learning new dance techniques. Jazz classes are done by age group, 5-9 years and 10+ years.

All the Dance Illuzions classes are currently taught at the Green River Recreation Center, until Ms. Campbell’s studio is ready to open. Classes run for 13 weeks. All classes except Creative Movement are $75.00 a session, or $25.00 a month. Creative KMovement is $65.00 a session. A 10% diiscount is given for paying the full class session fee up front, and there are also discounts for taking multiple classes and for additional family members.

Registration is done at the Green River Recreation Center, (307) 872-0511.

Dance Illuzions offers several performances each session, and even the opportunity to compete in dance competitions, if students would like to. Competition is not mandatory. Ms. Campbell tries to keep the costs for costumes between $35-$75, and has the students use the costumes for more than one performance.

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