Exceptional Cleaning Tips for Hard-to-Clean Spots, Spills and Stains

Removing stains, spills and spots:
Vinegar the Marvel Cleaner
Vinegar contains Acetic Acid. The Acetic Acid in vinegar removes lime and water spots. It also acts as an excellent disinfectant. When vinegar is mixed with baking soda, it can even unclog drains. Lime deposit in teakettles and saucepans may be removed with a solution of vinegar and water. Pour in equal parts and bring to a boil.
Brake Cleaner and Carpets
Brake cleaner contains the same chemical that professional dry cleaners use to clean stains in clothing, and does a quick job of removing most food stains from carpeting. Dab a little on a clean cloth (do not pour brake cleaner directly into the carpet, as it could dissolve the adhesive holding the fibers in the carpet) and gently blot the stain. Rinse well with soap and water.
Efferdent, Red Wine, and Your Sweater
Most drycleaners cannot remove red wine from a sweater. Try soaking the sweater in “Efferdent” (for dentures) and cold water, then wash in cold water.
Blood in Carpet
Tools & Chemicals:
Ammonia (household strength), dish washing or fine fabric detergent, white terry towels, white vinegar, warm water, measuring cup, spoon.
• Work on removing the stain as soon as you notice it. The longer the stain is left on the carpet the greater the chances are of the stain setting.
• In every case remove all excess wet or dry material before attempting to clean. Vacuum excess dry materials or gently scrape up materials with a spoon.
• Mix 2 tablespoon of HOUSEHOLD ammonia in one (1) cup of water.
• Apply a small amount of the mixed solution to the white terry towel and blot on the stain. Continue until no further transfer of the stain is apparent. If the stain remains proceed to the next step.
• Mix 1/2 tsp. of dish washing soap or fine fabric detergent into 1 (8 oz.) cup of warm water.
• Apply a small amount, blot or tamp and repeat until the stain is removed. Be patient. Complete removal may require repeating the same step several times. Tamp down on the carpet; do not scrub as this may distort the texture of the pile.
• Cover the stain with the towel and press down repeatedly to absorb the stain material and detergent.
• Once the stain is completely removed, rinse the area with cold water; blot with a dry white terry towel until all moisture is removed. Repeat this process several times to remove cleaning solution residue. (Residue can attract soils).
• If the spot or stain turns brownish when dry, mix 1 part white vinegar and two parts water. Apply a small amount and blot. Repeat only once.
Never use a stronger concentration than is recommended. Never use laundry detergent or automatic dish washing detergents because they may destroy or dye some fibers. Industrial strength ammonia should be mixed according to manufacture recommendations.
Ink Stains and Spots on Leather
To remove ink stains and spots from leather, apply a little cuticle remover. Dab it on the spot and rub gently with a soft cloth wipe, and buff. You may need to allow the cuticle remover to sit for 10 minutes or so before rubbing for difficult stains. Reapply if necessary.
Non-Streaking Window Cleaner
For a homemade window cleaner, follow this recipe: in a 32 oz. spray bottle, mix 1/3 cup vinegar, 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol and fill with water. This solution cleans without streaking glass like ammonia!
Crayon on the Walls
Spray with WD-40 lubricant. Wipe off with a paper towel. Wash with hot water and liquid dishwashing detergent, working in a circular motion. Rinse well.
Perspiration Stains
Mix 2 Tablespoons of cream of tartar in 1 gallon of water. Soak until stain disappears then launder as usual.
Salt Stain on Shoes
Apply white vinegar to shoes with a rag and wipe off salt stains. This will neutralize the salt.
To Clean Coffee Makers
Drop an “Efferdent” denture cleaning tablet in a 10-cup coffee maker and add hot water it instead of cold. Brew as usual then rinse.
Grass Stains
To remove grass stains, combine a few drops of household ammonia with 1 teaspoon of peroxide. Rub stain with this mixture. Rinse with water as soon as stain disappears.
Dusty Lampshades
Use an old lint roller (the kind with sticky paper). It picks up the dust without smearing it around and discoloring crème-colored lampshades.
Pet Stains
Pet stains can be very tough; here are 6 great tips that work a majority of the time.
1. Dilute vinegar in a bottle and spray on the pet stain. Allow the spot to dry.
2. Mix vinegar, baking soda, and water in a bottle, spray and allow it to dry.
3. Sprinkle baking soda and allow it to dry, then vacuum.
4. Club soda or seltzer water is a great emergency spotter.
5. Try baking soda and water to remove stains.
6. Use a stain removal stick, allow to sit for an hour then remove.