Exercise Your Baby’s Brain

By socializing them you will help to sharpen their mind. Read age appropriate material to your child. Starting early will help them to develop a love for reading. Also make sure that your baby uses all of their senses on a regular basis. This is something you will want to do on a daily basis. These exercises will help to give your baby a head start in life. Exactly how does the brain work?
Scientist have learned a lot about how the brain processes information. Do you realize that the brain is a marvelous computer. In order to understand the complexity of the brain many scientist and researchers like to compare the brain to a computer, or a machine. The brain is a chemical system however not an electrical one. There are numerous chemical reactions that occur within each cell, and this is very different from the working of a computer.
Many children learn through what they remember or from their memories. One explanation of long-term memory is that it starts with activity in the front part of the brain. The information that is chosen for long-term memory passes as an electrical impulse to a part of the brain known as the hippocampus. This is where a process known as long term potentiatial enhances the neurons ability to pass messages. Another theory on memory comes from the idea that the brain waves play a key part.
The proponents believe that regular oscillations of the brains electrical activity, help bind memories together and control the moment at which different brain cells are activated. According to a lot of the information that I have found on the brain, many researchers believe that the brain stores different aspects of memories in different places, each one being linked to the area of the brain that specializes in perceiving it.
As a parent you are probably wondering why do you need to know all of this information. But it really is a big help to understand how something works before you use it. For example if you were going to program a computer would it not make sense to make sure that you know exactly how it works before you begin working on it. Well the same goes for teaching a young child.
You are actually programming their brain, so you should be very interested in how the brain processes information. It will also help you determine it there is some type of learning disability. When a baby is born they are already beginning to have their brain stimulated. Toys that help to stimulate a child’s interest help prepare the brain to make sense of what is going on in the youngsters surrounding. Also it is a proven fact that music helps with the development of language and social skills.
Children who were given extra music lessons proved to be better at language and learned to read more easily than those who were not exposed to music. Also these children demonstrated better cooperation with one another. If you are a parent make sure that you take the time needed to exercise your child’s brain.