Exercise with a Rebounder

Live longer. Studies have shown that active people lived longer than their couch potatoes peers.
Help your heart: activity 3 or 4 times a week improves heart health.
Defeat diabetes: most cases of type 2 diabetes could be prevented or controlled with diet and exercise.
Lose hidden fat: studies have shown that the hidden or abdominal fat carries the most risk of heart disease. Exercise is the only way to reduce the deep belly fat.
I first discovered rebounding when I was looking for a small trampoline for my active 3 year old daughter. When I asked around about mini trampolines, someone suggested a rebounder. “What on earth is that?” I wondered. After some research, I discovered that people had been using rebounder’s for years as part of their exercise regimen.
A rebounder is not as bouncy as a trampoline, but it works on the same bounce principle. Using a rebounder is called a zero impact exercise, meaning that it places no strain on the joints of your body. Exercising with a rebounder has many benefits for you and your body including these:
Reduces stress and tension. Exercise raises the serotonin levels in your brain by causing your brain to release endorphins ( a feel good hormone). Using a rebounder is brisk, raises your heart level, and gets the endorphins flowing.
Boosts the lymphatic and immune system. The main function of the lymph nodes is to drain toxins from your body. Using the forces of gravity, acceleration and deacceleration by rebounding is one of the best ways to strengthen the lymphatic network in your body without causing stress to joints and muscles.
Improves muscle tone. The muscles in your legs, thighs, hips, belly and arms get improved muscle tone and fitness level from exercising with a rebounder.
Increases energy and vitality. Any exercise that raises the heart rate, increases blood flow, improves muscle tone and boosts the immune system is going to make you feel better. When you exercise on a rebounder, you get all of those benefits without stress and strain to the rest of your body while having fun.
Having fun! Crank up some music, particularly some energetic dance music from an era in your life that reminds you of having fun (for me, it’s the 80’s dance musicâÂ?¦can we say Pointer Sisters?) and dance away!
Vary the routine somewhat when you use your rebounder. Do one song while raising the knee and clapping under each leg. Do one song with side kicks from leg to leg. Do another song while pulling your arms back and dancing in place. There are CDs and DVDs that have exercise routines specifically for working with a rebounder, but once you get the hang of it, it is just as much fun, and just as effective, to use music that you enjoy and create your own routines.
As always it’s important to follow some safety rules before beginning to exercise with a rebounder or any other exercise program. The first rule is check with your doctor before beginning to exercise. Next, start with the health bounce. This is when your feet stay in contact with the rebounder surface and you gently move up and down. Prevent falls by wearing exercise shoes or bare foot to prevent slipping on the rebounder. Start slowly and check your heart rate to keep rebounding from being uncomfortable or wearing you out. And don’t forget, if something hurts, stop. Exercise should gently improve muscle tone, not hurt your muscles or joints. Some people use a handrail or exercise bar at first while rebounding until their balance and coordination improve enough for safety.
Rebounding is a fun, safe, and effective way to get our daily recommended 30 minutes of exercise. Rebounder’s can be purchased at almost any sporting goods store or department store with a sporting goods department. A decent rebounder can start at $20 and go up from there. Get one, try it out and have fun while exercising. It’s a great tool for rainy days, cold days, and days when you just don’t feel like doing anything else.