Expired Medication

A study conducted by office of New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer found that dozen of retail stores in New York State, where selling expired over-the-counter medications. These expired medications where found often in convenience stores, discount stores, small groceries, supermarkets and pharmacies. New York State General Business Law prohibits the sale of over-the-counter medications after the expiration date. Unfortunately, many states do not regulate expired over-the-counter medications, and nation wide there is no regulation, on the sale of expired medication.
Very likely discount or dollar stores, will sell expired medications. These stores purchase these medications at a discount. However, the consumer believes they are getting a bargain whenever purchasing these products, not realizing the potential danger of expired medication or the unfortunate lack of potency of the medication. An unfortunate situation could happen, when a woman purchases an expired contraceptive, and then gets an unexpected surprise, by the false sense of security. The situation could be equally worse, if there was no expiration label.
A contrary point of view, from the American Medical Association has tried to get the Pharmaceutical Industry to study the effects of drugs that are still safe to be used, beyond the expiration date. The United States Government has conducted their own tests that have shown, certain drugs stay potent for years longer, then the expiration date. The Government tests where started in 1987, and conducted by the Food and Drug Administration. The name of these tests referred to SLEP (Shelf Life Extension Program), and designed to test drugs, the military held beyond the expiration date. These tests revealed, from 119 drugs tested, only four where not potent to be used beyond the expiration date. Some of these drugs, stayed reliable to use, as long as ten years, from the expiration date. The United States Food Drug Administration for the Department of Defense, has saved millions of dollars, for the military by not replacing expired drugs, and keeping medication beyond the expiration date, based on those test results. Keeping a drug beyond the expiration date is dependent on the climate, and humidity of storage, that could affect the potency of the medication.