Explaining Homeschooling

I decided to get a manicure on Monday. A young Asian couple was running the shop, and though I really did not want a man to give me my pedicure, and manicure, I relented. I wish I had let him do my eyebrows too because his wife made them too thin. While the young man was filing my nails, he asked me the standard nail filing questions. What do you do? Do your have kids? Where do they go to school? (Oh boy, here goes!) No school… why?
I usual, I really was not in a mood to justify my decision to homeschool to someone who had kids, but I gave enough answers to shut him up. I rattled off:
Some reasons I homeschool my kids
� We tried school (in 3 States even, but were not happy with it)
� My children can go at their own pace, which means my son has accelerated
� My daughter is much happier.
Regardless of the reasons I gave, it really did not matter he did not approve, and I did not care. Maybe that is why I have jacked up eyebrows, perhaps he told his wife pull out some extra hairs for good measure.
What I really want to say when someone asks me why I homeschool is “Why? What’s it to ya? I am convinced by this time that people ask me why I homeschool for three reasons:
1. Because they already agree with it, and want to give positive affirmation.
2. Because they do not agree with it, and want me to prove myself.
3. Because they are on the fence and want me to convince them to do it.
While I live the positive affirmation, I still feel it is time to break the habit of explaining myself.
Other things, I think parents should stop trying to explain to others:
� Why they chose to work
� Why they chose to stay home with the kids
� Why they breastfeed
� Why they do not breastfeed
� Why they did not circumcise
� Why those chose their Childs name
� Why they spank their child
� Whey they prefer time outs
� What they feed their children
� Whether or not they take their children to church
None of these issues is anyone else’s business as long as it does not affect anyone else, or harm the child.
At the end of the day, we are parents and individuals, all with individual states, opinions, backgrounds, and convictions. Homeschooling is a choice made by parents for their children. There should be no need to explain or justify this personal decision.