Extreme Bull Riding in Ellensburg, Washington

One of my recent travels took me to Ellensburg, Washington. My friends and I were there to attend the Ellensburg Rodeo. We were there to see the extreme bull riding experience, in particular. This was my first rodeo. I was both curious and hesitant. After all, I had never even desired to watch the rodeo on television. All I knew about cowboys was the one I saw while traveling through Texas. This was about to change after my experiencing the extreme bull-riding event at the Ellensburg Rodeo.

The recent extreme bull-riding event I attended was unlike any I had experienced. Having never been to a rodeo, the thrills, rider skills, and sport excitement took me by surprise. If you have never been to an Extreme Bull Riding rodeo, you must go. Here’s whyâÂ?¦

The drive into the fairground area was quite pleasant. There were ‘Welcome Rodeo Fans’ signs everywhere. The atmosphere was festive. Everywhere I turned there were people wearing cowboy hats. I saw pictures of bull riders and rodeo events. It was fun. It added to the ambience of the extreme bull riding experience.

Upon walking into the fairgrounds, I watched where I stepped. Luckily, most of what I stepped around was dried (if you get my drift). Once inside the fairground the ‘downtown’ area was reminiscent of the western movies. The shopping strip was all wood with western-style signage. There was a large plastic horse greeting visitors.

After playing a couple carnival games and enjoying some carnival food, it was time to take our seats at the rodeo. We were there for the extreme bull riding experience.

The event started with fireworks and hoopla. All the riders came out and formed a ‘V’ shaped introductory stance. Everyone cheered. The announcer was adding to the excitement, of course. He asked how many first-timers were in the crowd. We hooted and hollered. Then, the announcer asked the ‘old pros’ to show us rookies how it was done. So, the ‘old pros’ tore the place down with their hooting and hollering. It was fun.

The rodeo princesses were introduced. Everyone clapped. Other rodeo personalities were introduced. Everyone clapped. Then the rodeo clown came out. What?! I was expecting Bozo, or similar. This clown just wasn’t that funny.

Then the bulls were put in the shoots. Soon, it started. The riders mounted the bulls and the shoot was open. Hooting and hollering pursued. Only rarely, did a rider stay on longer than a couple of seconds. When one stayed on the bull longer than 5 seconds�.wooaah! The crowd went wild! 8 seconds was how long the rider had to stay on the bull in order to have a score.

Usually, after dismounting the rider, the bull would run back into the pen. Occasionally, they would not. This is where the entertainment for me came in�

I loved when the bull would buck someone off his back and then strut around the arena like he owned the place. There were a couple of bulls that seemed to really enjoy the attention they would get when prancing by. Attention seeking bulls! I just loved that.
This was a fun part of the extreme bulling riding experience.

The prancing bulls would be lassoed and led into the pen. Usually, they went easily. There were only a couple times where a bull would put up a fight. The lassoing alone was fun for a city folk like me to watch. (I think the guys who lasso is called “ropers”.)

After about two and a half hours, the extreme bull riding experience was over. I am glad I experienced it. I have a greater appreciation for the rodeo sport of extreme bull riding.
�· I now I know that bull riders are athletes, skilled, strong and courageous. (They can only use one hand to hold themselves onto the bull.)
�· There are scorekeeping details for both the rider and the bull.
�· There are other factors involved in the sport of extreme bull riding that I am sure I have overlooked.
�· It is a much more complicated sport than I ever could have imagined.

I know one thing, though. I love those tenacious bulls.

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