FLF Organises Leadership Training Forum in Kano, Nigeria

In a Press Release signed by the Executive Director of Female Leadership Forum (FLF) in Nigeria, Comfort-Idika Ogunye, a Lawyer, Human Right Activist and First Female President of the National Association of Nigerian student, stated that the Workshop objectives include consolidation on the gains and deepen the achievements of the past leadership training Workshop.
Other objectives of the Workshop according to the Press Release is to encourage popular participation and involement of young women in the processes in which decisions affecting them are taken and stimulate the interest of young women in public affairs. Furthermore, the Press Release mentioned that another objective of the Workshop is for the promotion of the successor generation of young women who will be acutely aware of patriarchal barriers, discriminatory beliefs and cultural practices, institutional structures, laws and policies that constrain leadership of women in all spheres of human endeavour, and who will thereby be mobilized to redress the situation.
Finally, the Press Release reveals another objective of the Workshop as paving a way to meet the training needs of focal constituency and by extension help in widening the scope of the activities of FLF