Fabric Softener Sheets Are Not Just for Dryers Anymore

I love the progress that has been made on dryer sheets. No longer are they little blue foamy rectangles with what is supposed to be a pleasant smelling powder on them. They have so many refreshing and fun scents. They come in 40 packs and 8 packs, with or without fun little bears on them. I often catch myself using two or three to give my laundry that extra special freshness.

Yes, I am a bit obsessed, and no I do not work for Bounce or Snuggle. I simply love the scent and the fact that your dryer sheet is not just for your dryer anymore. I have set out to find, and am proud to bring back to you today, several tips for taking those dryer sheets outside the laundry room.

Keep your Diaper Bag Fresh

Slip a dryer sheet in your diaper bag for refreshing scent when you open it up. Let’s take things a bit farther, if you are using a Diaper Champ, put a dryer sheet in the bottom of the diaper champ before you put a plastic bag in it. This will make sure that the odors from your little ones stinkers don’t embed themselves in the plastic diaper receptacle.

Freshen Up Those Garbage Cans

Before I put a bag in the garbage can I make sure to put a dryer sheet on the bottom, it makes changing the garbage a whole lot fresher. I recommend putting a new dryer sheet in every two weeks to keep the freshness going.

Pet Hair Remover

Dryer sheets are amazing at picking up pet hair. I have four animals in my house and once a week I take a new dryer sheet and run it over the couch, dining room chairs, and on the curtains. It removes static cling, freshens the fabric, and eliminates that pesky pet hair that is gets stuck right where you don’t want it. You can also use a dryer sheet as an emergency lint remover in a pinch.

Freshen The House

You can put dryer sheets in the floor register. Not only will the fabric softener sheets spread a fresh scent throuughout the house when the furnace is on, but in the air returns the sheets will do double duty by preventing dust, pet hair, and other miscellanious items from falling down in your ducts.

Put Used Sheet To Use

I hate throwing things out so I have found that even used sheets can serve double duty. You can use the recycled fabric softenre sheet to clean your shower. Used sheets really help remove that stubborn soap scum.

Dusting Has Never Been Easier

I wet down my fabric softenr sheets and use them to wet dust the television, cabinets, and book shelves. I am convinced that wet dusting is the only way to go, and with fabric softener sheets natural ability to eliminate static cling I swear they keep the dust from resettling.

Well, that is what I reuse the sheet for, what are your other uses for this household staple?

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