Fabulous and Frugal – Ten Unique Headboard Ideas

Bedroom a little . . . blah? Headboards are designer’s gold; with some creativity and just a little bit of cash, you can transform a so-so bedroom into one with personality and style. Often a lack-luster room simply needs a focus; something to pull together your accessories and draw your eye to the most important feature of your room – your bed. You spend at least a third of your life in your bedroom; you deserve some panache! You won’t need bags of cash or a professional carpenter to build these headboards; all of the following projects can be completed in a weekend by someone with very modest do-it-yourself skills.

Modern Shine

This is an easy, fun project, and a terrific way to recycle extra or damaged cd’s. Depending on the width of your bed, you’ll want to start with one, two, or three hollow-core doors. Paint the front and sides of the doors with a deep color such as black, purple, or red. Once the paint is dry, glue on rows of cd’s with a silicone adhesive. Prop the doors between the head of the bed and the wall.

Ribbon Magic

For a bit of feminine style, start with a Ã?½ – 1 inch wooden dowel the width of the bed, spools of satin ribbon, fabric glue, and two thumb tacks. Cut ribbons the length you would like for the headboard; three feet is often pleasing, but cut longer if you need a more dramatic look. Use varying widths of ribbon for visual interest. Loop the end of each ribbon around the dowel and glue the end to the back of the ribbon. Create a curtain of ribbons down the dowel. Cut two equal lengths of ribbon, about 3-4 inches long, for hanging. Loop one ribbon on each end and thumbtack the end ribbons above the bed.

Asian Inspired

Start with a trip to your local hardware store to pick up one, two, or three wooden garden lattices, depending on the width of your bed. Look for lattices with horizontal and vertical beams that form squares rather than diamonds. Buy spray paint – black for a traditional look, but also consider your room. Do you want a metallic or vivid color for a modern look or a muted color for a nature inspired room? Next, go to a fabric store for coordinating fabric the width and height of the panels. White is traditional, but again, consider the room and your own tastes. To construct the headboard, first, spray paint your panels and let dry. Next, staple the fabric to the back of the lattices with heavy-duty or furniture staples. Finally, prop the lattices between the bed and the wall.

Garden Beauty

Garden arches make a unique, classy headboard. Simple arches start at $20 while heavy, ornate arches can cost $100 – $200. Put together the arch and place above the head of the bed. Weave a light, coordinating fabric through the metal sides. Weave in garden or white holiday lights for a brilliant touch.

Vintage Beauty

Search flea markets and building material resellers, such as Habitat for Humanity’s stores for vintage doors with interesting panels or intricate carving. Imported doors, such as the beautiful, carved doors from Mexico, are also worth pursuing. Turn the door on its side and hang it on the wall so that the side edge is just below the top of the mattress.

Country Charm

Pick up a length of picket fencing from your local hardware store for a bit of country charm. Paint the fence white or a pastel blue, pink, or green and let dry. Secure the fence to the wall above the bed. Add fabric flowers or a small birdhouse for additional appeal.

The Readers’ Dream

This project is an easy alternative to the traditional padded headboard. You will need two wooden curtain rod brackets, a wooden curtain rod, wide satin ribbon, and two large upholstered pillows. Sew equal length loops of wide satin ribbon to the top of the pillows. Attach the wooden brackets above the bed at headboard height, curtain rod width apart. Hang the pillows on the curtain rod and mount the rod in the brackets.

Velvet DramaExtra-long velvet or silk curtains make a dramatic statement and are a cinch to use. Mount a curtain rod high above the bed, but make sure that at least 4-5 inches of the bottom of the curtain will tuck between the head of the mattress and the wall. Use a heavy-duty rod, especially if you are using velvet. Hang the curtains, tuck in the bottom of the curtain between the mattress and the wall, and voila – instant focus and drama!

Woven Beauty

Create a simple rectangular frame from 1 – 2 inch PVC pipe and corner connectors. Your hardware store should be able to cut the pieces to size if you’d like to skip that step. Either leave the frame white or paint it with a spray paint formulated for plastics. Next, choose the material for the weaving. Satin ribbon for a feminine look, denim or gingham fabric strips for a country look, leather or suede strips for something more modern or masculine. Tie or fasten long strips of the material along the top and one side of the frame. Create the headboard by weaving the side strips over and under the top strips. Tie or fasten the strips when you reach the bottom and the other side.

Shining Splendor

This project will look terrific in a youthful room – think rock star or astronomy nut. You will need plywood, batting, and Mylar sheets. Mylar sheets are sold as survival blankets and can be found at sports and surplus stores. They are Have a sheet of plywood cut to size for your bed. Wrap batting around the plywood and staple to the back. Unfold the Mylar sheets and wrap them around the padded headboard. Use double-sided tape or double-sided foam tape to attach the Mylar sheets to the back of the headboard. Do not pierce the sheets with a staple or a thumb tack – the sheets will tear.

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