Factory Outlet Shopping in Providence, RI

Looking for the best bargains in Southern New England?

Try shopping one of Rhode Island’s many outlet malls for a remarkable deal on everything – from snacks to tile.

When RYCO says “We’re hard to find, but we’re worth the trip,” they mean it. Really. In Rhode Island terms, they’re behind where the old Anne & Hope store USED to be. (For non-natives, that would mean a drive down Lonsdale Avenue). Turn onto Carrington Street – although it’s not marked as such – it runs between the bright (and I mean BRIGHT) yellow car wash and the fellow who still raises cattle in the heart of Lincoln Center. Follow the signs through the factory complex to RYCO.

Once inside you’ll find a wonderful selection of everything from laces, to webbing, and even cording at true outlet prices. Ryco offers baskets, silk flowers, trophy, and craft items, as well and has recently expanded its offering of yard goods. I purchased the fringe and cording for my livingroom draperies there at $2.25 a yard when even the “discount” fabric stores were offering the same items for over $5.75per yard.

RYCO is easier to find, BTW, if you approach from the north, since there’s a billboard warning you to take the next right. You might want to stop by the bakery outlet listed below for an extra loaf first. That way, you’ll have plenty for snacks and to mark your trail for the trip out. Here’s their phone number, just in case you get REALLY lost : {401)725-1779.

On your way to RYCO, stop by Crest Tile Distributers at 1136 Lonsdale Avenue in Central Falls. There you’ll be treated to a fantastic assortment of hard-to-find retro tiles, luscious handmade Dutch, German, and Asian imports, and multiple choices for a bullnose finish. Don’t miss the barn in the back, where you’ll discover even deeper discounts, although you’ll want to be sure to get all you need to finish your job there – those items are all “discontinued,” and so, are in a limited supply. We managed to tile an entire, medium-sized kitchen for less than $127 with a textured, high-quality tile from Crest. The staff there was eager, helpful, assisted us with all of our measurements, and worked willingly with our contractor to get the job done. Call 401-723-9774 for more information.

If you need a snack after all of that shopping, stop by the Entenmanns Bakery Outlet at 52 Newport Avenue in East Providence. There you’ll find all your favorite pastries, Pepperidge Farm breads, and snacks, as well as some dairy products. We found the Boboli Pizza Crusts at 3/$2 and sauces at 6 in a package for $1.50 to be an especially good buy on the day we went. Deeper discounts are offered for larger purchases on breads (three loaves of a particular type), but even single loaves are a great deal. Stock varies daily, and depends upon driver returns.

Head a little further north, and you’ll find quality materials to go with all of that trim you’ve purchased at a fantastic price! The Slater Industrial Fabrics in Cumberland (you still have some bread left to mark your trail, right)? Offers DEEP discounts on Waverly and other designer lines – and when I say DEEP I mean DEEP. How does $1-$6 a yard sound? Now you have to be careful. This IS a REAL factory outlet. Some of the products may be blemished. Or they may just be the end of the run. The fabric may just be there because it was a color that did not sell well. No telling. And fairest of warning, the clerks here are snippy, so be sure to re-roll anything you unroll, or you’re going to be told. (Or cheated). Or you’ll get home and discover, as my friend Roxanne did, her lovely drapery fabric had been smeared with chocolate “by accident.” I bought all of the fabric for the curtains for my house here and saved a BUNDLE! I later saw the exact same fabrics featured as “designer” curtains for hundreds of dollars! All that said – It’s worth the venture into the vast unknown of (Gasp) Cumberland, the fight to find this place amid the bugs and the trees, and even putting up with the “colorful” clerks for a few minutes for the benefits they offer. Look for them at 5 Industrial Drive. (They’re tucked, oddly enough, behind a convenience store). Or call 401-727-9086 after you’ve driven by them for the third time.

Now you need ANOTHER snack – so it’s off to the Arnold Bakery Thrift Store in Rolfe Square in Cranston. There you’ll find Nissan classics like Russian Rye breads, and Oat or Potato Sandwich Loafs, along with the classic white breads, of course. Be sure to check dates on the pastries offered here. Some may be a bit past due. The breads are often fresher than what one would encounter at the grocer, since they’re “leftovers” from the driver’s shelving, and most have never been offered for sale elsewhere. Chips and lunch box snacks are also common offerings, as are simple dairy products. Give them a jingle at 401-941-7310.

Now, if I could JUST find the guy who sells gasoline for less than $1.00 a gallon!

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