Fade Freckles and Skin Discolorations Using Simple Kitchen Finds

If your face is dry and damaged by the sun, you’ll need to apply a homemade moisturizing mask. Just place 2/3 of a cup of cottage cheese, 1 egg yolk, and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in your kitchen blender. Then, blend the ingredients
together until they are smooth. Apply the mask to your face and let it work
it’s magic for 20 – 30 minutes. Remove the mask by rinsing it off with warm water. Pat- never wipe your face dry with a towel- your face dry with a soft towel and run your hands over to feel how supple it is now!
Note: The lemon juice will also help to fade freckles, age marks, brown spots, et cetera.
Maybe your face needs a revitalizing mask instead. Look in the mirror and take a good look at your face. Does it look dull and drab? Then turn yourself back into a beauty! Put a half of an avocado in a small bowl. Sprinkle it with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Now, mash the avocado and the juice up well with a fork. Grate half of a cucumber into the small bowl. Finally, drop in a tablespoon of yogurt into the mix. Stir the mixture together until it’s smooth. Apply the mask to your face and let it set for 20 – 30 minutes. Remove the mask by rinsing it off with warm water. Finally, pat your face dry with a soft towel.
You’ve undoubtedly heard the saying, “She has a peaches and cream complexion.”
This saying means that the female who’s being talked about is a beauty. She has a bright, young, smooth complexion. The best way to get the same results for your face is to use none other than fresh peaches as well!
Peaches are full of alpha-hydroxy. This natural beautifier removes the old, dead layers of skin cells, while it promotes healing of damaged skin. Peaches also clean out the pores in your skin, and they will add a fresh glow of beauty to your face.
Here is a “peachy” idea you can easily try in your kitchen today! Cut a thin slice off a fresh peach. Carefully rub the slice over your entire face. Discard the peach slice and let the juice remain on your face for twenty to thirty minutes. Finally, rinse it off with warm water and pat your face dry with a soft towel.
Even Hollywood celebrities like gorgeous Holly Robinson Peete go to their kitchens to find what they need to stay young-looking and beautiful. One of Peete’s secrets is the Herb called Thyme. Peete buys it fresh- don’t try to use dried, bottled Thyme- it won’t work the same. Then, once a month she steams
her face with it. The Herb helps to clean her face and remove unhealthy impurities.
The best part is, you can get the same treatment in your own kitchen! Simply fill a deep, heat-resistant bowl half way full of boiling water. Add some Thyme and let the Herb soak in the water for fifteen minutes. Stir the water around, then lean your face down over the bowl of boiling water. Drape a towel over your head to help keep the steam inside the towel.
After several minutes, rinse your face with cool tap water and pat it dry.
Do you like Mangoes in your salads? They’re good for your facial skin too! Keep the peels from this fruit, don’t throw them away! Then, pulverize them in your blender with just enough milk to make a paste. Or, dice them up so they’re very fine, then add the milk. Gently rub the mixture all over your face and allow it to set for five minutes. Wash the mango/milk mixture off and pat your face dry with a towel. Your face should look clean and refreshed!
Now, doesn’t your face – your whole self being, in fact- feel good?