Fall Crafts Inspired by Mother Nature

As the cooler weather approaches, it is a great time to enjoy the cooler weather by collecting items for fall crafts. Your kids will enjoy walking in the cool fall weather and collecting bits and pieces to make these Mother Nature-inspired projects.

Leaf Crown:
Kids, especially girls, will really love making a one-of-a-kind leaf crown during the fall. You can use almost any type of leafs, but sturdy leaves will work best. Go for a walk and collect leaves of all shapes, sizes and colors. If the leaves have a good stem, you can create a long garland by punching the stem into another leaf. Keep doing this until you have a leaf garland long enough to make a crown. Punch the last stem into the first leaf. You are now a Nature Princess (or Prince). If you have found several leaves that do not have good stems, you can string your leaves on a thin piece of yarn or kite string with a thick plastic craft needle.

Make Rock Rubbings:
Rock rubbings are fun and creative. On your next walk, take along some thin white paper (such as printer paper) and a variety of crayons. Place your paper over the rocks and rub your crayon over the paper. You will soon find that rocks all have unique patterns and textures. You can create several of these to make a rock rubbing collage. Or, place the rocks in a certain shape or pattern and see how your rubbings turn out.

Collect Pine Cones:
The fall is the perfect time for collect pine cones. If you are diligent, you will find cones in all shapes and sizes. If you have trouble locating pine cones, remember that not just pine cones produce cones. Check out firs and cedars, too. Pine cones that are closed may still have their seeds. You can bring these indoors and they will soon open. Collect enough pine cones to use for holiday crafts and add decorative touches around the home.

Make Pomanders:
Pomanders are easy for little hands to make and they leave a wonderful, festive scent in the air. Start by collecting small citrus fruits such as lemons, limes and oranges. Go to the store and purchase whole cloves. These look like little tacks with a sharp point on one end. You can punch the cloves into the fruit in patterns, or just place them randomly around the fruit. You can also add decorative ribbons for hanging. Now you can roll the pomander in some nutmeg, cinnamon and orris root and wrap in tissue paper. Let your pomander sit in a cool, dark place for about four weeks. After the time is up, you have a lovely holiday gift or decoration.

Fall is a wonderful time to get out and explore the outdoors. If your children love crafts, collect these craft supplies on your next walk. You will have some wonderful crafts inspired by Mother Nature.

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