Fall Festivals and Annual Events in K.C.

As the summer heat begins to wane, Kansas City residents look forward to some of the best known and loved festivals and events in the heartland. This series of eight annual celebrations begins in September and continues through November, forming an almost non-stop wave of engaging entertainment for visitors and natives alike. These events are easily accessible and appeal to a variety of interests.

Labor Day weekend kicks-off the season of celebration with the Santa-Cali-Gon Days Festival. The festival which takes place in Independence, just 15 minutes outside downtown Kansas City, commemorates the pioneer history of the area. The festival is named for the Santa Fe, California, and Oregon Trails. Many pioneers took their first steps westward to the then new western territories on these trails. Musical performances, an arts and crafts show, as well as demonstrations and displays about early pioneers are just some of the attractions visitors to Santa-Cali-Gon Days enjoy. (September 2-5; Admission: Free)

Hear ye! Hear ye! The Kansas City Renaissance Festival celebrates the Medeival Past. Giant turkey legs, roasted corn and fruit filled crepes are just some of the simple but tasty fare available for visitors’ enjoyment. Jousting, juggling and jesters capture the attention of young and old alike as they stroll through the grounds of the festival affectionately dubbed, Renfest. Actors and actresses in period costume bring the era to life, while various vendors and craftsmen specializing in pieces and products reminiscent of the 16th century hawk their wares. This event is also kid friendly. The children’s section of the fair provides crafts, games, skits and the opportunity to be knighted daily by the festival king. (September 3-October 16; Admission: Adults starting at $14.50; children 5-12 starting at $6.95; Children under 5 are free)

For those in search of an opportunity to enjoy a variety of visual art, the Plaza Art Fair is the place to go. The Plaza Art Fair is ranked among the top ten art festivals in the nation. For three days in late September, the Country Club Plaza becomes an art lover’s Neverland. More than 230 national, local and regional artists gather to display and sell their work. They specialize in an assortment of creative media, paintings, drawings, sculptures, woodwork, glass, jewelry, textiles and more. As attendees stroll from booth to booth, music from four stages fills the air, while the scents of food from over 20 local restaurants and food vendors float on the breeze. (September 23,24, &25; Admission: Free)

Early autumn is the perfect time to fire up the grill, and the American Royal Barbecue takes full advantage of the weather. This contest and barbecue extravaganza draws approximately 120, 000 barbecue lovers. They come to sample the culinary work of over 400 masters of barbecue style cooking. Vendors offer the latest barbecue products and accessories at the festival’s Barbecue Expo. There is also a beer garden where visitors can grab a cool one and listen to a variety of live bands. During the two day event, meats, sauces, bastes, rubs, sides and desserts are sampled, analyzed and savored by judges charged with selecting the very best of each category. (September 29-October 1; Admission: $9.00 ticket good for one day of event)

A visit to La Strada dell’Arte often appeals to those seeking an opportunity to allow their inner artist time to come out and play. La Strada dell’Arte means “the street of art” in Italian. For two days, the Pershing parking lot at Union Station becomes a canvass. The canvass then becomes a collage of art completed by over 250 professional, student and amateur artists. Special pastels are distributed to the “Madonnaris,” artists, who spend hours creating their works of art. Children’s Avenue makes this alcohol free event especially kid friendly. Kids receive pastel chalks and their own space to “paint.” (October 1-2; Admission: Free)

Yee! Ha! During October and November, the much celebrated American Royal Livestock, Horse Show and Rodeo will open its gates to the public. This event offers food, fun, music and bronco busting action. The first rodeo occurred in a tent in the Kansas City Stockyards in 1899. Barbecue, great music and a variety of ranch and rodeo events insure that each moment promises attention grabbing action. (October 19-November 19; Admission: Varies, Check online brochures)

After the American Royal ends, the Season of Lights on the Plaza begins. Hundreds of thousands leave their Thanksgiving tables to attend the annual Plaza Lighting Ceremony. This tradition dates back to the 1920s. It marks the beginning of the holiday season. During the season, the Plaza sparkles with over 75 miles of multi-colored strands of light draped across Plaza buildings. Shopping, dining and carriage rides through the Plaza take on a special air of fun and celebration during the Season of Lights. The feeling lasts well into the New Year, because the lights don’t go out until early January. (November 24–January 9; Admission: Free)

The Mayor’s Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony follows the ringing in of the Season of Lights. On the evening after Thanksgiving, people fill Crown Center Square to see the mayor and a celebrity guest light the tree. The Mayor’s Christmas Tree stands over 100 feet tall and shines on shoppers during the holiday season. Decorated by over 7,200 white lights, the tree is a special holiday feature complimented by over 47, 000 other decorative lights through out the square. Its beauty and brightness symbolize the hope and comfort provided to over 33,000 Kansas City residents by the Mayor’s Christmas Tree Fund during the holiday season. (November 25, 2005; Admission: Free)

Visit the following websites for more detailed information about each of these events:

Santa-Cali-Gon Days

K. C. Renaissance Festival

Plaza Art Fair

American Royal Barbecue

La Strada dell’Arte

American Royal Rodeo

Season of Lights

Mayor’s X-mas Tree Lighting

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