Fall into Dating: Great Autumn-Inspired First Dates

Choosing a unique and fun first date is virtually impossible. Many couples stick with dinner and a movie or something safe. Since it’s the first date, trying to pick something both you and your date will have fun doing is nerve-wracking. However, if you use your surroundings as inspiration, you may just begin to get some great ideas for a fun and unique first date.

Autumn is a beautiful time of year for many areas. The weather is cooling off from the oppressive heat of summer, the leaves are beginning to change, and there are lots of things to do outdoors before those cold but cozy winter months hit! Here are just a few fun ideas for a first date in the fall!

Go shopping-with a twist! Many farmers’ markets will pop up around your town during the harvest fall months. Depending on your location, you may be able to find fairly decent sized farmers markets. A great way to have fun and be able to talk and get to know each other is walking around a farmer’s market and looking at the different foods available. Not only is the idea different, but also instead of buying flowers or something else that is somewhat frivolous, you can give your date something really useful-food! (If you want to modify this for a more seasoned dating couple, try shopping at the farmer’s market for ingredients for a home cooked meal that you’ll make for your date).

Go a picking! Usually an orchard or a farm in your area will offer public picking. Apple orchards and pumpkin patches are traditionally open in the fall. Enjoy the cool air, walk around, and look at the pretty scenery and changing colors. Again, you and your date get to take something worthwhile home-whatever you pick! Places like this often have corn mazes, special events, and small shops that can also be perused once the picking is over.

Time to put. One place that is often overlooked by many adults when trying to decide where to go for a date is miniature golf. Mini golf also gives you time to talk (and flirt!) and fall is the perfect time to go. In summer, mini golf often produces dehydration and sweat stains, neither very appealing for a first date. Miniature golf may seem somewhat immature, but it brings a sense of play and casualness to the affair, which can be very settling during a nerve-wracking first date.

Strap on those hiking boots and take advantage of the quiet and beauty of the great ideas. Most local parks have trails (both paved and unpaved, depending on the ability of both you and your date). A hike gives you a chance to talk and exercise all at the same time. Fall is the perfect time for a hike because the weather is cool, the bugs aren’t as bad, and the colored leaves provide a casually romantic setting.

Lastly, look in the paper or search online. Lots of fairs and events at parks happen in September and October. State parks in your area almost always offer guided hikes or special events during these months. By finding an annual event that appeals to both you and your date, you are almost ensured a unique experience. And, if all goes well, you have a tradition in the making!

These are just a few ways to take advantage of the fall season to decide on a perfect and memorable first date. Use the weather, the scenery, and events in your area to your advantage to impress!

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