Falling Gas Prices Have Nothing to Do with it Being Campaign Season

Gasoline prices are falling! I don’t know about where you live, but around here, I’ve seen it under $2.48. Now I’m not one to kick a gift horse in the teeth, goodness knows, but I’m very nervous about this. Because, you see, I know why gasoline prices are so low, and I also know when they will go back up. There apparently is no reason at all for gas prices to dip so precipitouslyâÂ?¦and yet they have.

To suggest that perhaps the price is politically connected is to be accused of searching for conspiracies. And yet, it certainly is unbelievably good timing for the GOP that gasoline prices started dropping just in time for the campaign season. But, of course, there is no evidence to connect the two. As has been pointed out, if the White House and the GOP had such control over gasoline prices, why would they have allowed them to rise so high in the first place.

That is such a good point.

Too bad it makes no sense. You see, Americans have an incredibly short memory when it comes to gas prices. We actually see gas being sold for under $2.50 and make a mad scramble to take advantage of the bargain prices. $2.50 is a bargain? Remember what gas prices were when Bush and the GOP took over Washington? If anyone had suggested to you that you’d think $2.50 a gallon for gas would be a bargain in 2006 you’d have laughed. I know, because when I suggested in the fall of 2004 that gas prices would be at $3.00 within a year, I was laughed at.

I would have enjoyed laughing at those people when I was proven right, but of course the pain of being right was too severe. To suggest that there is no connection between the Bush White House and the oil industry and the price of gasoline because they would never have allowed the price to get so high is ridiculous. What would be the point of a connection if they couldn’t get prices to where they wanted them when they wanted them for as long as they wanted them? How much money has Bush’s oil friends already made from jacking prices upward? They were able to nearly double the price of gas in less than a year and enjoy record-breaking profits. And yet-without any major event leading to lowered prices-they’ve been able to lower them at the single best time to lower gas prices imaginable for the GOP.

There are eight weeks until election day. It has been suggested that by then gasoline could be down to almost $2.00 per gallon barring another Hurricane Katrina. A dollar a gallon swoop in less than two months without any major event driving the drop? And you want to convince me there the oil industry/White House connection has no power? By election day, if gasoline is anywhere near $2.00 I guarantee you many Americans will be thinking that $3.00 a gallon gas was a nightmare that never happened.

They shouldn’t, however. Because between this election and the next, there’s two years. I figure that if gasoline does drop to $2.00 by election today, we’ll be back to paying $3.00 by Christmas at the latest.

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