Family Pass

Family Pass has a great variety of educational material, as well as inspirational, television, and movies. They have a very easy recording system online of movies that you select and put into a queue. You choose the order of movies that you want shipped to you. Based on the plan you choose, you can have up to six DVD’s out at one time, and once the company has received a viewed DVD, they will ship to you the next queued item. They even email you when items are received and mailed out.
I’ve been a member of Family Pass for over a year. I use the DVD’s as supplement to the subjects that we work on at home. We’re a homeschool family. We utilize our local library, which doesn’t have very many DVD’s. Family Pass allows us ease of use, and affordability, along with a great variety. I borrowed Power-Glide Jr. Spanish to listen to the quality and to determine if this program was something that I wanted to use in our home for foreign language. Having the opportunity to see the program before I purchased it was extremely valuable.
I’ve been able to locate DVD’s on the subject matter we study in school on a regular basis, in addition to watching items for fun.
I have had one occasion where a DVD was not taken care of properly, and Family Pass handles claims very well. Once logged into the site, you can view the items that you have checked out at the time, and there is a selection to let them know that the item was either defective, or didn’t function on your machine.
My children have gotten used to helping get the mail and they love seeing the bright yellow envelopes arrive. We can keep DVD’s for as long as we would like, however we tend to watch three a month and rotate throughout our entire queue. I often peruse the site for items that aren’t on our agenda for schooling, but find great material on a whim for the kids to view.
The programs currently are designed to have one, three, or six DVD’s out at one time. They do offer a free 14-day trial, where you can test out their products and ease of use before committing to a month-to-month, or yearly plan. The rates are as follows:
$9.97 for one DVD a month, $15.97 a month for 2 DVD’s, $19.97 for 3 DVD’s a month or 6 DVD’s for $34.97 a month. They also have yearly plans that you can opt for if you like their service and selection.
I’ve personally used Netflix, and there wasn’t anything at the time that I would choose to allow my children to watch for quality viewing. By using Family Pass, I don’t have to run into any local video store, and payments are easily made via my credit card. I have personally enjoyed subscribing to Family Pass and look forward to continued service. They have exceptional customer service, responding quickly to emails, and are very polite.
Check them out!