Family-to-Family: A New Kind of Match-Up

Family-to-Family connects families with more to ones with less. Theater Producer Julia Holiaday is a volunteer coordinator for Family-to-Family, a nonprofit food relief organization. “Family-to-family members welcome the concrete responsibility of shopping for, packing, and sending a carton of fundamental necessities to a family they ‘adopt,'” reads the website. “Just as a strong fence makes for good neighbors, the physical distance between donors and recipients creates a heightened sense of intimacy.”

There are also supplemental monthly drives for necessities like cold-weather clothing and bedding, toys during the holidays, and over-the-counter cold medications, according to staff. “Participating in this requires a small amount of time and money,” they say. “Every month members receive a shopping list.” After shopping all groceries are packed in a carton.

FedEX is the national corporate sponsor for the organization and donates its services, facilities, and staff to ensure that monthly all of the agency’s receiving communities obtains their boxes safely, according to research. Family-to-Family coordinates shipments from all chapters to make sure boxes arrive at the areas on a pre-arranged day. The organization also sponsors community-wide food drives in November and December.

Glass jars, bread, or fresh food cannot be sent in boxes. April’s drive this month is for toothpaste and toothbrushes. To make a donation online via Paypal, go to or you can fill out a form on the site, print it, and mail your donation to: Family to Family, Box 255, Hastings-On-Hudson, NY 10706.

Donations are tax deductible and are unrestricted in their use. Designating contributions on that basis allows the agency to allocate funds to the most critical areas, according to literature. There are chapters in places such as Pembroke and Cairo, IL, Crownpoint, NM, Jackson, Miss., Lake Providence, LA, Lemmon, and SD, Mingo County, WV.

Pembroke was the beginning of the organization’s mission. They have no bus or train connection.

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