Famous Hauntings in the United States

Savannah, Georgia
Not everyone is a believer of things that go bump in the night, but a visit to Savannah, Georgia, just might give you a new perspective on their many ghostly friends. The Kehoe house is a famous bed and breakfast that offers a little something extra for free, haunted rooms. The Hampton-Lillibridge home was considered beyond haunted to the point of being infested by apparitions, so much so in fact that an actual exorcism had to be performed. Savannah offers regular ghostly tours and its lush historical district with displayed ironworks and colonial style homes only add to the city’s ambiance and it is considered the most haunted city in America.
Chicago, Illinois
If you happen to be traveling through Chicago, Illinois, you may want to avoid picking up female hitchhikers wearing white party dresses and dancing shoes. Many men have been fooled by this beautiful blond lady that requests a ride home only to be led to Resurrection cemetery where she simply vanishes. The young woman is believed to be the ghost of Mary Brgovy and she has been seen by dozens of passersby traveling on the lonely road that Mary frequently haunts. Allerton Park houses a haunted mansion with beautiful gardens and a permanent houseguest. A woman in white haunts the house and the grounds. She is often seen walking in the garden and visitors claim to hear footsteps in the mansion of what appears to be a lady pacing. Chicago has many haunted cemeteries and some are neglected and forgotten. The Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery is considered amongst one of Chicago’s most haunted spots. It is likely to see a ghost car or one of the many apparitions that have made this cemetery their home. Chicago has many haunted mansions and famous documented haunting locations for tourists to enjoy.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
You wouldn’t expect to run into a Civil War soldier while out and about, but if you are visiting Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, then the chances of this occurring are more then likely. If you don’t get the chance for this kind of ghostly encounter while shopping or dining, then a Candlelight tour through some of Gettysburg’s most haunted sites just might do the trick. Many of the beautiful hotels are reported as haunted by restless ghosts who walk the halls and rooms aimlessly. The Farnsworth House Inn has documented reports of ghostly visitors. The Gettysburg Battlefield is the most famous place in town for spotting an apparition, and there have been many reports of ghosts’ roaming in blue and gray military attire at this bloody battlefield. Many tourists have reported seeing the ghost of Abraham Lincoln in various locations.
Salem, Massachusetts
You can run, but you can’t hide once you have made your presence known to the occupants that reside at Gallows Hill in Salem, Massachusetts. This dark and gloomy resting place is considered home to the ghosts of the accused witches of Salem. When evil is lurking, you may come in contact with the ghost of Giles Corey. This alleged warlock is often seen near the old jail when something terrible is about to take over the town. The House of Seven Gables is an eerie mystery in itself. It has a secret passageway that is believed to have once been used to free slaves. Tours of the house are always a frightening event, as you never know what may pop out from behind a hidden wall or pass by you in the hallways of this haunted mansion. The historical district of Salem also offers tours for ghost hunters to get a feel for the unknown and revisit the horrors of 1692.
New Orleans, Louisiana
Another famous haunted city is New Orleans, Louisiana. Many tourists travel from all over the world to this one of a kind city to participate in the festivities of the Mardi Gras. Little do they know that the hotel that they have reserved is probably already booked with visitors from the other side. Almost every hotel in the city has some type of ghostly story or reported sighting from guests. The Provincial hotel is located in the heart of the French Quarter. It was once a hospital for Confederate soldiers. It is not abnormal to see a soldier, surgeon or bloodstains appearing and disappearing right before your eyes. The city offers regular history tours of actual documented hauntings from the Garden District to the Lafayette cemetery and onto the spine tingling French Quarter. There isn’t much of New Orleans that hasn’t been touched by ghosts or Voodoo, so if you are looking for a haunting experience, chances are you will find it in this historical city.
San Antonio, Texas
The fight at the Alamo accounted for more then 1,700 deaths and most of these men were not given proper burials. These active souls appear to be looking for eternal life and locals claim that these lost ghosts walk the streets of San Antonio, Texas. Theodore Roosevelt is said to haunt the Menger Hotel along with 37 other ghosts. The Bexar railroad tracks are known to be haunted by children killed in a bus accident and the Bexar bridge will have you in fear of your life as ghostly hands seem to pull at your legs while crossing the bridge. Don’t expect to get much sleep if you stay at the Emily Morgan Hotel. Guests claim that the ninth floor is very active as doors open and close all night long. This hotel once housed wounded soldiers during the battle of the Alamo.
San Francisco, California
If ghosts aren’t your thing then staying at the Mansions hotel in San Francisco, California, is definitely out of the question. Ghosts come out of the woodwork for many witnesses to see. The hotel has documents of ghostly photos and transcripts of sÃ?©ances. An old buried cemetery at Russian Hill which is now an Art Institute gets many reports of ghostly sightings as witnesses hear doors slamming and what sounds like foot steps. The Whittier Mansion not only survived an earthquake, its original owner, William Franklin Whittier apparently survived as well, at least in spirit. Unsuspecting guests have felt his icy presence and have seen dark shadows in the basement of the mansion. Many visitors come to the Moss Beach Distillery and through the years they have caught sight of a wounded lady dressed in blue. Legend has it that her jealous lover stabbed her to death. She is often seen walking the beach aimlessly.
St. Augustine, Florida
Don’t be surprised if you are greeted at the entrance to St. Augustine, Florida, by a ghostly sight named Elizabeth. This friendly apparition died of yellow fever in the eighteen hundreds. Many travelers have witnessed Elizabeth waving at them. The St. Francis bed and breakfast serves up more then good food. They have a floating ghost dressed in white gracing their hallways. The Spanish Military Hospital has been certified as an actively haunted building by paranormal specialists. Tours of the hospital have made nonbelievers into believers of the spiritual world. Active spirits can be seen often at The Old Drug Store, which happens to be built on top of an old Indian burial grounds. The Old Jail is listed on the Florida and National hauntings register. Many prisoners were hung at this jail they came to know as home and some of them have refused to leave their home.
Charleston, South Carolina
Charleston, South Carolina, may just have some of the nations most haunting ghosts. The city has a famous Lowcountry Ghost Walk that was featured on CNN’s travel guide and there are just too many ghosts roaming the streets, beaches and homes of this lush city to ignore. If you are visiting Charleston and happen to come across the gray man while at the beach you may want to think about packing quickly and heading home. His ghostly presence forewarns of potentially dangerous storms looming in the very near future. Evil lurks in the St. Philip’s graveyard as the ghost of Sue Howard attacks pregnant women out of anger from losing her own baby. This ghost has been caught on film by researchers. Apparitions with a patch covering one eye are seen frequently at White Point Gardens. These ghostly pirates seem to be searching for their executioners. The Battery Carriage Inn is home to a flirtatious ghost that lies in bed with female guests. Charleston offers many different ghost tours to visitors.
Nashville, Tennessee
There is more then country music in Nashville, Tennessee, as bothersome ghosts favor a part of the city that is known as Music Row. Capitol Records, once the sight of the Jacob Schnell mansion is bombarded with phantom footsteps, cold spots and loud noises that may be a former owner of the property who has come back to claim it. The Ryman Auditorium also has spirits that like to show off and make their presence known. Hurricane Mills, the home of Loretta Lynn has a colorful past and its previous owners and servants don’t seem to want to leave. There have been many ghostly encounters in the home and Confederate soldiers are known to be buried on the grounds. The Hermitage, once the home of Andrew Jackson has had many reports of ghostly sightings from visitors and workers who have attempted to renovate it. Many famous mansions in the area are reported as haunted like the Belmont Mansion where a former owner watches over her home and scare’s students half to death by her surprise visits. Ghost tours are held every year and start in front of the haunted State Capitol building.
Washington D.C.
The Washington, D.C. area is rich in history, famous haunting’s and some of the most outrageous ghost lore that history has witnessed. One of the most recorded haunting’s is that of Lincoln’s ghost. It has been reported by many different sources that Lincoln is active in the White House as he has been seen walking the hallways and knocking at the door of his former bedroom by both staff and heads of state by such people as Winston Churchill. He also visits the Ford’s theatre from time to time, sometimes in the company of his assassin, John Wilkes Booth. The Renaissance Mayflower Hotel has many guests, but one of the more popular guests isn’t even alive, but don’t tell him that. Calvin Coolidge visits the hotel in January of every year still trying to attend the Inaugural Ball that he missed in 1925. Guests report that lights flicker and an elevator will not budge from the 8th floor where Coolidge’s holding room once was. Washington D.C. has a host of ghost tours for seekers of the unknown, and the best one begins at the McPherson Square Station where guests will be led on a tour that covers the area across the White House and many other noted haunting sites.