Fashion Accessories for Men

Accessories are a important part of a men’s wardrobe. For instance, ties are the mainstay of men’s fashion. But what types of ties should a man consider? When I was working at Hechts as a sales person, men would come up to me and state that they would not wear a tie that their spouse would not approve of. But a man should follow his own sense of style when considering a tie. Your spouse should respect what you want to wear.

So what is in style today? You could try a bow tie. This would show that you have the confidence to not look like everyone else. If you live in Washington D.C., the trend is to blend in and a bow tie will keep you from that cookie cutter image. . Many famous people such as Lincoln and Truman wore bow ties. In fact, patriotic ties are in style right now.

When considering wearing a shirt with a tie, do not wear a flowered shirt with bold stripes. The contrast confuses the eye. If you are wearing a checkered tie with small squares, pair it with a shirt with fine vertical lines. If you pick a striped tie, wear it with a shirt that does not have the same size of stripes. Don’t wear a tie that is out of season. For example a snowman ties in the summer. My Dad did this and he attracted a lot of negative attention.

What do you consider when pairing a shirt with a tie? A white shirt can be the best background for your tie. Everything matches white. You could also pick a color from your tie and match it with the same color shirt. For example, if your ties have a grey in it, choose a grey shirt of the same color or a lighter grey.

The traditional fashion statement is to coordinate brown socks with brown slacks.

The socks can be lighter in shade. On the other hand, you can go the nontradional method. This is the latest trend. Pair a lighter shoe with a dark slack. The fabric of the trousers should stand out. Benneton Selsley offers trousers made of summer tropical fabric that is good to your wallet. Select a driving loafer to wear with this look.

When deciding on shoes you match the same style of belt with sloes. In other words, pair dress shoes with a dress belt. Choose the colors: Black, dark brown or a deep tan. If you are wearing sneakers, pair a ribbon belt with it. A fashion no no is to wear suspenders with a belt.

Eyeglasses should suite a man’s taste as well as complement their features. Although it is best to bring someone along to lend their opinion, ultimately though you’ll be the one wearing them.

Watches are part of your fashion arsenal. Choose one that fits the look you are going for. A dressy look should be paired with a dressy watch.

Remember, what you wear says about you. Go with your own style. You’ll feel better about yourself and others will too.

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