Favorite Homeschool Blogs

Favorite Homeschool blog #1
Here in the Bonny Glen
melissawiley.typepad.com proves homeschooling moms have personalities too! This catholic homeschooling mom posts several times a week. Her lighthearted and informal style of writing leads to contagioius reading. That explains her high traffic rate. The plethora of homeschooling information her blog contains does not hurt either.

Favorite Homeschool blog #2
School at home
http://schoolathome.blogspot.com/ gives regular insightful advice and shares simple yet enriching details. I was especially impressed by the account the development of a birds nest that was followed through the birth of cute little robins. I love the way this blogger shows that everyday life IS education.

Favorite Homeschool blog #3
Home school home
http://homeschoolhome.blogspot.com/ is another ongoing account of the journeys of homeschooling. Also sprinkled within are great homeschooling resources that are very helpful to other homeschoolers.

Favorite homeschool blog #4
The life of the Maples
, aka Smooch, Squishy, Boo and Bughead (Dad) are profiled in this lighthearted, yet serious homeschooling blog. http://upsaid.com/aptghomeschool/ Scooby aka Mom describes herself as “a daily skirt wearing, midwife using, homeopathic medicating momma who is a die-hard attachment parent in every way. Her blog reveals unbridled honesty a sensitive heart and unparalleled organizational skills.

Favorite homeschool blog #5
There’s no need to feel guilty with Carolyn Morrison as your guide. Her blog, Guilt-free Homeschooling http://guiltfreehomeschooling.blogspot.com will guide you through your journey. Her blog includes tons of useful information on homeschooling styles, profiles other homeschoolers and gives great educational information.

Favorite homeschool blog #6
Zoo full of boys
http://zoofullofboys.blogspot.com/ is the homeschool blog of a homeschooling mom, army wife (with deployed husband), mom of four, yes your boys, who finds time to coach baseball and basketball, lead a Cub Scout den, maintain a few websites, scrapbook, rubberstamp, teach herself to knitâÂ?¦ all why being a classical homeschooler. I’m impressed!

Favorite homeschool blog #7
Keep up the with buzz of homeschooling with the homeschool buzz blog. http://homeschoolbuzz.com/ From the homeschool blog watch to recent news on homeschooling, you will never feel left out in the cold.

Favorite homeschool blog #8
Get creative homeschooling tips and encouragement at http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/CreativeHomeschooling/ This blogger is low on links and overall information, but high on creativity and making homeschooling fun for kids.

Favorite homeschool blog #9
Finally, Beverly Hernandez, paid blogger at about.com has the most comprehensive blog/website on blogging that you are likely to find on about.com’s homeschool guide. http://homeschooling.about.com/ while it is not as personal as the others, if you need specific information about homeschooling, you will be sure to find it there.

Favorite homeschool blog #10
Honorable mention:
I have a homeschool blog too, and so do my kids, you will find us at http://nfahm.blogspot.com , http://jordanhomeschool.blogspot.com/, and http://www.thejth.com/ .

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