Fencing Materials for Extreme Weather

When deciding on fencing material it is important to take into consideration the elements your fence will be facing year after year. Extreme weather conditions will change the fencing materials available for your project and should be taken into careful consideration before accepting any contractor bids.

Extreme weather can be characterized by high winds, heavy rains, immense heat, hurricanes or snow fall. Your fencing will have to stand up to these elements but do not fret, there are fencing materials available for every extreme weather condition imaginable.

Wood fencing is one of the most popular choices by homeowners. Wood can be shaped and painted to meet the homeowners aesthetic expectations or left to fade in the suns light to a silvery gray. When choosing a fencing material sure to withstand extreme weather elements, wood should be high on your list due to the materials ability to change with weather situations.

Extreme weather such as rain, hurricanes or heavy snowfalls will not overcome the strength of wood. These high moisture situations call for the application of a sealer on an annual basis in some cases to keep the wood from absorbing excessive water and buckling. The same sealer will keep your wood fencing material healthy and strong in the midst of immense heat and high winds.

Another extreme weather proof fencing material is chain link fencing. Change link fencing is an all purpose fencing material sure to withstand any and all extreme weather situations. When choosing chain link fencing for your home, you must be sure to carefully choose the appropriate grade of fencing.

Chain link fencing is priced based upon the amount of steel used to make the fencing material as well as the extras added to the steel in order to prevent deterioration due to extreme weather. When choosing a grade of chain link fencing be sure to examine all traits of the fencing material.

In order for chain link fencing to withstand extreme weather a few simple characteristics should be taken into consideration. The amount of steel used to make the fencing can be estimated by the size of the diamonds in the fencing material. The smaller the diamond the more steel used to create the fencing. The more steel used the stronger the end product fencing material and the better the fence will stand up to extreme weather.

The strength of the fencing is a key characteristic in maintaining a fence during extreme weather. But, this is not the only element to a good fencing material. Chain link fencing should also be coated with zinc in order to prevent rusting. Ensuring your fencing material is coated or galvanized after weaving will increase the strength of your fencing material. A vinyl coating can also be added as a second barrier to the elements.

Vinyl is not just used for coating chain link fencing material but as a fencing material all its own. Vinyl fencing is coated with titanium dioxide to prevent the vinyl from yellowing in the sunlight. Vinyl fencing material is made from the same professional grade material as vinyl siding and therefore will hold up in all forms of extreme weather. Vinyl is a newcomer to the fencing market with a popularity that is growing.

Popular in extreme weather situations such as high heat and high wind are block fencing materials. Block fences are constructed from various materials such as brick, cinder block, man made hewn-stone like block and natural stone to name a few. This fencing material is commonly used in the southwest for its ability to withstand extreme weather conditions.

When no other fencing material will do in extreme weather conditions, live fencing may fulfill the homeowners needs. Live fencing is the most resilient to extreme weather conditions due to the indigenous nature of the fencing material. Live fences can be grown in every shape, size, color and height. When homeowners choose live fencing the threat of extreme weather conditions is eliminated because the plants chosen for the fencing material will be native to the extreme weather conditions present in your area.

As a homeowner, choosing a great fencing material which will withstand any and all extreme weather conditions is important for the longevity of the fencing. Wood, chain link, vinyl, block and live plants are all perfect fencing material choices for extreme weather areas.

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