Feng Shui Tips for the Home Office

Sit in your office chair look around you and ask yourself, how do I feel in this space?
Do I feel happy, energized, productive and creative? Are finances flowing in like it should?
If you don’t think so, you may want to consider making some changes based on Feng Shui tips for the home office. Application of the principles of Feng Shui can improve the office environment in many ways. Use these tips to your benefit as you thrive to improve your office space, bringing in improved productivity, positive energy and financial success.

In real estate, Location…Location…Location is the key and so it is, with your home office.
Ideally an home office is best located near the front part of the house. When chi enters your home the flow of energy will be felt which will do wonders for the atmosphere of the office. Unfortunately not everyone is so lucky to have this ideal locale for an office. Some offices are part of a bedroom, kitchen, living room or den. In these instances a partition of some kind may be used to keep the office space separate from the living area. When using a living area as an office space, good lighting and a ceiling fan can be effective in allowing for good flow of energy.

Second to the office location is the placement of the desk. The biggest no! no! is don’t place your desk with your back to the door. Why? You will feel insecure and will not know what is going on behind you. The ideal recommended desk placement is, diagonally across from the door. This gives you command over the entrance to the office space and the ability to see and cheerfully greet anyone coming to the office.

The desk and chair should be chosen with the following in mind. Chose a desk with smooth corners. Avoid sharp edges as it could create conflict in the environment. An ergonomically correct chair will make for better body mechanics. It is well worth the extra cost.

Colors when used effectively can add charm and warmth along with the reduction of stress.
White and light pastel colors will let a space look bigger so will mirrors and good lighting.
Sunshine will also add to the flow of chi in the office space. So, open those windows and let the sunshine flow and energize the area.

To brighten your day in the office, avoid clutter, clean and neaten your desk every day and empty waste paper baskets. Add flowers and plants, hang your favorite framed scenic pictures and display pictures of your family and that favorite loved one.

These tips should help to open up the flow of positive energy throughout your office space. Like a spark plug like effect you will feel recharged, motivated and you could see your creativity, productivity, positive energy and finances increase. Most importantly you could gain a sense of peace, balance and harmony in other areas of your life.

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