Feng Shui in the Office

What’s the ideal office? One with plants? One with windows? One on the first floor? One on the 100th floor? Who knows? But the answer may lie within feng shui. Feng shui is an ancient system of aesthetics. People who believe in feng shui stress the importance of creating positive energy and good balance. This combination of energy and balance is called Qi (pronounced “chi”). Some basic ways to add “Qi” to a space include getting rid of clutter and increasing the flow of air in a room. It can also involve re-arranging furniture and decorations in a room or space. Feng shui started over 3,500 years ago. And some techniques even go back to the late Stone Age in China. People traditionally used feng shui (literally translated as “wind-water”) to decide on a place to live or to find a burial ground. Nowadays, people apply the theories of feng shui at home, in public buildings or in the office.

Experts offer countless tips on how to use feng shui in the office. For instance, a picture on the wall of a lake or waterfall represents a flow of energy and productivity. Also, a curved desk promotes more creativity than a square desk. Another important rule for office feng shui is to never have your back to the door or someone else in the office. Also, it is not a good idea to have a room with one door on each side of a room. Apparently, the two doors allow the Qi to get in and out quickly from the room.Many of the basic rules for office feng shui are based on common sense. For example, people who believe in feng shui say that simplifying a workspace helps people focus better. And when people can focus on one task, they are less stressed. They say that having uncompleted tasks on a desk distracts a worker. Also, if people have more space to move around, they will feel more creative and free.

Feng shui ideas sound logical, but it does have its critics. Some people can’t understand how moving objects around in a room can create harmony and balance. In the past, feng shui has been compared to sorcery; and at various times it has been discouraged and even banned in China because it is “a feudalistic superstition”. Others criticise feng shui for being inconsistent. They argue that if feng shui is a science, it should have a consistent method.Whether you agree or disagree with feng shui, you can at least admit that its basic principles could make you more comfortable in the office.

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