Fibonacci Knitting

The Fibonacci Series is probably the most famous series of numbers, and also the most utilized in textile production. Usually knitters just use this pattern for stripes and color work, but it can also be the jumping off point for some interesting ribbings and textures.

Understanding the Fibonacci Series

The Fibonacci Series is a string of numbers where each number is the sum of
the previous two. The series starts with 0 and 1. Zero plus one equals one so
the next number is also 1. One plus one is two, so the third Fibonacci number
is 2. For simplicity, let’s forget about the zero.So what we have is: 1
2 or 1+1
3 or 2+1
5 or 3+2
8 or 5+3
13 or 8+5

These numbers can be used in many ways to produce attractive, nerd-
appreciated fabrics. Tell your favorite nerd that their handknit scarf or socks
are based on the Fibonacci series, and they’ll swoon!

Fibonacci Ribbing

CO a multiple of 20
Row 1: *K1, P1, K2, P3, K5,P8*, repeat * to * until end of row
Row 2: *K8, P5, K3, P2, K1, P1*, repeat * to * until end of rowRepeat Rows 1 and 2 as desired

Fibonacci Texture 1

CO a multiple of 20
*K1, P1, K2, P3, K5,P8*, repeat * to * until end of row
Repeat row as desired

Fibonacci Texture 2

CO a multiple of 20
Row 1 *K1, P1, K2, P3, K5,P8*, repeat * to * until end of row
Row 2 : *P8, K5, P3, K2, P1, K1*, repeat * to * until end of rowRepeat Rows 1 and 2 as desired

Fibonacci Gradient Ribbing

CO a multiple of 53
Row 1: *K1, P1, K2, P3, K5,P8, K13, P8, K5, P3, K2, P1, K1* repeat * to * until
end of row
Row 1: *P1, K1, P2, K3, P5,K8, P13, K8, P5, K3, P2, K1, P1* repeat * to * until
end of rowRepeat Rows 1 and 2 as desired

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