Final Fantasy: A Long Standing Saga

The Final Fantasy saga is probably the greatest and longest standing RPG (role playing game) series in existence. It began back in 1987 when the very first of the series, Final Fantasy I, was released on the Nintendo gaming system. Since then, over 15 individual games have been released, and many more are on the way.

Final Fantasy games have all had a captivating story line with unique characters. The battle system has always been great and the music has always been beautiful. As time progressed and technology had advanced, the great attributes that made Final Fantasy what it was had also advanced to leave fans of the saga even more captivated and wanting more. Fans are often waiting in anticipation for the next game to be released. In fact, a new Final Fantasy game often sells out before the game is even released on the market.

Some of the older Final Fantasy games were never released in the United States. Some are also so old it is hard to even find a system to play them on. This then brought in the creation of Final Fantasy Origins, Final Fantasy Chronicles, and Final Fantasy Anthology. These three games are on the original Playstation console. They offer versions of the older final fantasy games, including the ones never released in the United States, such as: Final Fantasy II.

The Final Fantasy Saga has done so well that a movie, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, was released in 2001. Another movie based on the events of Final Fantasy VII is to be released in 2006. This movie is called Final Fantasy: Advent Children. There is also a well known anime series based on the Final Fantasy saga. Final Fantasy dolls, posters and action figures are also available!

I must say that I myself adore the Final Fantasy saga. I own every game they have and I cannot wait until the next one comes out. I have noticed some striking similarities in the games that I often wonder if other people have noticed. Most of the Final Fantasy games are not related with regards to the story line. As I play the games, I have noticed (especially in the recent ones) that the male main character is always blonde headed and the female love interest always has dark hair. Has anyone else ever noticed that?

If you are a fan of RPG’s and you have never taken the time to play a Final Fantasy game, perhaps you should give it a try. No other video game can possibly compare to the success that the Final Fantasy saga has attained. With over a dozen games available on PC and several different gaming consoles, movies and anime, it is impossible to find anything else to compare it with!

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