Financial Institution Donates to Lung Health Agency

The private foundation of the W.B. and Ellen Gordon Stuart Trust, Bank One Trust Company, NA., trustee has provided a gift of $5,000 to support the charitable efforts of the American Lung Association.

This gift was made towards the annual Lung Association’s Diamond of Hope Ball effort which was held on Feb. 11th.

The American Lung Association’s website acknowledged the March 6th death of Dana Reeve, widow of actor Christopher Reeve from lung cancer on their website and stated that Dana was “an inspiration to many and a great American.”

“I was so sad to hear of Dana’s death,” said Nicole Pensiero of New Jersey.

“It is so sad that such a talented and gifted young person had to die of lung cancer,” said Wayne of San Francisco, CA. “Nowadays I do everything I can to avoid getting near cigarette smokers.”

Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in men and woman, according to the Lung Association. The rate of lung cancer cases appears to be dropping among white and African-American men in the U.S. while it continues to rise among white and African-American women. The five-year survival rate of lung cancer patients is 15.2 percent comparted to 63 percent for colon, 88 percent for breast, and 99 percent for prostate cancers.

Lung cancer will cause an estimated 162,460 deaths this year, according to Tessie Holloway, executive director of the American Lung Association’s North Texas office. Holloway said 87 percent of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking.

Many of the chemicals in tobacco smoke also affect the non-smoker inhaling the smoke, making “secondhand smoking” another important cause of lung cancer. Radon is considered to be the second cause of lung cancer in the U.S. today according to stats and radon has been found in every state.

Because you cannot see or smell radon the only way to tell if you’ve been exposed to the gas is by measuring radon levels. Another leading cause of lung cancer is on-the-job exposure to cancer-causing substances or carcinogens. There are many different jobs that may involve exposure.

Lung cancer takes many years to develop.

In its early stages lung cancer does not usually cause symptoms.

Surgery may cure lung cancer.

The 11th Annual Diamond of Hope Ball featured a gourmet dinner, auction, and live entertainment benefiting the local American Lung Association held at the Fort Worth Club.

Last year’s event raised $89,885.00.

A hundred percent of the proceeds funded lung health education and disease prevention programs in Tarrant County, TX.

The Lung Association is a non-profit 501�© (3) organization so your contribution is tax-deductible.

For more information, call 1-800-LUNG-USA or go to

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