Find a Halloween Candy Alternative

If you offer a Halloween candy alternative, your treats will stand out, provide kids with a real holiday surprise, and bring a serious smile to the face of any trick-or-treater suffering from diabetes. Although handing out a traditional Halloween candy alternative like pennies or apples may not seem very festive, there are plenty of options that are even more fun than candy bars or lollipops. A Halloween candy alternative can actually be much more fun for kids than the sugary treat it replaces, and giving out a Halloween candy alternative makes you feel great, as you help kids have a great and healthy holiday. Plus, you won’t be tempted to eat all the leftovers! Instead of giving kids something sweet to munch on this year, give them something fun to do, like fill in a small seasonally themed coloring book. Instead of a chocolate that will be eaten in five seconds, consider a small, inexpensive toy that will stick around for a while. Or, go for a delicious treat, but make it something a bit more creative than the standard fare. To make the spookiest day of the year just a bit more special, try one of these fun, inexpensive, and very child-friendly Halloween candy alternative ideas.

Hand Out Fun Seasonal Trinkets

The toughest thing about coming up with a great Halloween candy alternative is finding something that feels, well, Halloween-y. The good news is, it’s easy to get into the holiday spirit without handing out candy, if you hand out a Halloween candy alternative that is equally festive. This year, skip the chocolate and try something equally seasonal like Halloween toys or stickers, or Halloween writing sets with themed mini-notebooks, pencils, and erasers. You can scour stationary and toy stores in your area, or shop for great deals online. For lots of selection at affordable prices, try the Halloween section of the Oriental Trading Company website, online at

Make A Halloween Coloring Book

With a bit of planning and effort, you can make your own Halloween candy alternative that will actually enhance the season’s trick or treat goody bags, and will cost you just a few pennies per child. One of the best Halloween candy alternative ideas is making and handing out a special seasonal coloring book. All you need to do to make a fun coloring book to hand out as a Halloween candy alternative is access to a Xerox machine. If you’re artistically talented, you can sketch your own spooky line drawings. For the rest of us, there’s a wealth of clip art on the world wide web. To get started, check out the Halloween section of, online at Once you’ve got a fun selection of images together, just make a bunch of copies, staple groups of pages together down one side, and you’ll have a whole stack of seasonal coloring books to hand out as a great Halloween candy alternative. If you really want to go the extra mile, make coloring “packs” that contain a book and a few crayons. This Halloween candy alternative is sure to make kids, and parents, very happy indeed.

Try A Smarter Treat
For a smart Halloween candy alternative, try something scrumptious but a little bit more novel and less sugary than candy. After a night of chowing down on sweets, a more substantial snack is a welcome treat for any kid’s tummy! Anything individually packaged is fair game as a Halloween candy alternative, so head for the supermarket and stock up on microwave popcorn, granola bars, or small bags of pretzels or nuts. For the ultimate in convenience, make your Halloween candy alternative come to you by ordering supplies through an internet grocery service like Fresh Direct, online at

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