Find a Venue for Your Artwork

It’s an interesting yet logical progression. Independent coffee houses everywhere have also developed into showcases for local artists.

Now when you go to get your “cuppa joe,” you are also treated to a mini-showing of art. It’s not something the chains have chosen to do, and gives those independent cafes a chance to shine as well as establish their own identity.

The art runs the gamut from the good old standbys – landscapes for example – to the disturbingly bizarre such as photos of one-eyed kitties, or yes, paintings on black velvet.

For the artist, this is good thing. Potential patrons who are there to relax and have a cup of coffee anyhow, are naturally going to let their eyes stray to the artwork. The artist gains exposure, if not increased sales.

Northwest artist, Brent Wear, who was recently showcased at the Clinton Corner CafÃ?© in Portland said the owner approached him, and asked him to showcase his art. Wear works in mixed media, and paints brightly colored pictures of whimsical birds in imaginative situations. (Look for the “corn dog” wrapper in his pictures.)

Carolyn LeVee, owner/operator of the Wilsonville Coffee Co., Wilsonville, OR keeps works of a family friend and artist on the walls of her shop. These are of the landscape variety.

Portland’s Violet’s CafÃ?© owner Lisa Carkner works with a curator, and takes submissions from artists. They do have some requirements an artist would want to know about first, but they do display a wide variety of artworks. Violet’s current showing consists of Halloween themed art.

So, if you’re an artist, how would you go about getting your artwork displayed in such a setting?

�· Locate the coffeehouses in your area that do rotational showcases of artwork. Get out and visit them before you take the next step.
�· Approach the owner/manager at a convenient time (i.e. not during the morning rush!)
�· Consider setting up an appointment if no time seems to be good.
�· Bring a portfolio of your work to share, and be ready to discuss it.
�· Whatever the style of art you do, there is a showcase somewhere that is appropriate, so be persistent in your search.

Now, go do your research, get out there, and find a venue for YOUR art!

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