Find a White Elephant

Have extra blankets taking up space? Give them a good wash then roll it up and tie it with a nice ribbon. There you have a nice little gift. You could add a teddy bear for company.
Cook books and utensils just gathering dust? Find a small basket and place a book or two and some utensils inside. If you have some spices that just don’t fit your tastes, you could toss them in and you’ll have a quaint little cooking basket.
Did you buy a candle you thought would smell good, only to find out alter that it doesn’t fit your scent palate? That in itself could be a great white elephant. Everyone could use a candle in the house.
Grandma or another family member constantly gives you lotion? Pick one or two scents that are close to the same scent (berry, spice, flower etc.). Put them in a nice gift bag left form a gift you’ve gotten and add a bow.
Still have that retro lava lamp (or any old lamp) in the attic? Pull it down and give it a good washing. Someone would love it. Oh! Make sure it works first.
Gentlemen have more hammers, pliers, and screwdriver than you know what to do with? Grab a pair of gloves you don’t use (you know you have some) and stick one of each into the gloves and secure it in a roll of duct tape. There you’ve got a manly gift.
Now ladies I know you have a couple of purses you haven’t used in years. I may be hard, but you can part with one or two. Add in a cute wallet you don’t use for a nice surprise.
Old knick knacks taking up room on that shelf? Grab a couple and again wash them up (you don’t want to give something dirty). Find a small box, like what tea comes it and wrap in some pretty paper.
Have more wreaths than doors? Pick out the ones that don’t get much air time and take them in to find a new home. You could do the same with a window spray that has no place in the house.
Does the dog have toys that doesn’t spark its interest anymore, but still in good condition? Grab the ones that look good and toss in a bag for that dog owner at work. Make another dog a happy camper.
Hey sports card collectors, have doubles of a lot of players? Pick out 5-10 different players and wrap them tight in a ribbon or wrapping paper. Now you’ll have a few less doubles.
Do you have an extra alarm clock in the closest, I know I do. You could take that in and help a co-worker wake up on time.
Coffee mugs running rampant in your cupboard? Grab on or two and give them a quick rinse add a couple packets of hot coco or tea for a kit of relaxation.
White elephants can be a lot of fun just scavenging around the house for something exciting. You could find some great gifts as well as items you forgot you had. Discovering what you’ll get is half the fun, I know a person who received a waffle maker. One thing though: don’t take something broken, that’s never fun to receive. Enjoy your white elephant.