Finding Auto Insurance Quotes in Oklahoma

Finding the right automobile insurance can be a tricky business. Due to a 2004 legislative law, Oklahoma’s minimum auto insurance coverage was increased to “25 /50/25”, ($25,0000 for compensation of injury or death of one person in an accident, $50,000 for multiple injuries or death, and $25,000 for property damage per event). This law has caused significant increases in Oklahoma automobile insurance rates. With hundreds of automobile insurance carriers, getting quotes and finding the best deal can be a time consuming process.
The first step in finding car insurance is knowing what type of insurance you need. Perhaps you only need the minimum coverage. However, if you have recently purchased a new automobile, you will probaly prefer additional coverage. If you have a loan for your vehicle, your lender will most likely require you to carry full-coverage insurance on your automobile. Oklahoma law also requires you to carry an insurance policy on automobiles even if they are no longer running, in order to prevent higher premiums once the car is repaired. Contact the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety in this event to determine what your needs are.
The Oklahoma Insurance Department has terrific information for Oklahoma citizens. Along with information on your automobile insurance, they also have a quiz you can take to see how insurance savvy you are. You can find them at www. OID.STATE.OK.US.
To get automobile insurance quotes, you can call local insurance companies in your area, or you can use one of the several quote services on the Internet. If you live in a small community, you may have a limited number of local carriers. Therefore, they may have higher automobile insurance rates than larger cities. Be sure to check out insurance companies in close, larger cities in your search. To find insurance quote services on the web, simply search for “insurance quotes” in any search engine.
Whether you choose to use an automobile insurance quote service, or to simply call several carriers yourself, there are several documents you need to have in order beforehand. By gathering these together, you will eliminate the stress of having to scramble to answer one of the many questions the insurance company will need.
Although different car insurance companies and quotes services vary in the information they need, there are a few that are seemingly universal. The following list contains the most necessary of items you will need to obtain Oklahoma automobile insurance quotes.
1. Your current or previous insurance company’s name, along with the renewal/expiration date, and how long that
company has secured you.
2. Information on how long you have been continuously secured by an automobile insurance company. (This is extremely
important in how much your insurance quote will be).
3. All personal information including name, social security number, driver license number, any automobile safety classes
taken, etc.
4. A basic knowledge of your credit history, as some companies will use this information when determining your car insurance
Note: You will also need this information for alldrivers you plan to add to your policy.
5. Vehicle information, such as year, model, VIN number, loan information, etc.
6. Primary use for the vehicle (commute, work, school, etc.).
7. Type of facility the automobile will be stored (and the address if different from your home).
8. How much of a Comprehension and Collision deductible you are willing to pay in the event of an automobile accident.
9. Any information on previous automobile accidents you (or any other driver) have been involved in.
10. Exactly what type of automobile insurance you want a quote for. The basic terms are State minimum, Basic Protection,
Standard Protection, and Superior Protection. This is where your research on automobile insurance comes in.
In addition to these items, companies may ask you additional questions to determine if you qualify for any special programs they may offer. These can include Superior Student programs, non-smoking reductions, etc. Be sure to ask about any discount programs; they can significantly reduce your automobile insurance quote.
You may have trouble finding an Oklahoma automobile insurance carrier to cover you if you have a high number of accident incidents or have had previous automobile insurance non-renewed or canceled. In this event, contact the Oklahoma Assigned Risk Auto Plan. Their phone number is (866) 667-2827. You can also them at (401) 528-1361, or go their Website at