Finding Breastfeeding Information on the Web

The benefits to baby are just as great, studies show that breastfed babies are not as affected by childhood illnesses as bottle fed babies and they are rarely overweight.
Pregnant women and mothers of all children often put energy and attention into learning everything they can about the birthing experience and child-rearing. Books are read, prenatal classes are attended, videos are rented and birthing experts are consulted. The same attention to education is equally beneficial for women that decide on breastfeeding their infant. As with the birthing experience, being prepared, well-versed and familiar with the details of breastfeeding will increase your chances of having a positive experience.
The internet has a wealth of information on breastfeeding and can easily be the source of the answers to any new moms breastfeeding questions.
The most informational website for breastfeeding is , the website for the official breastfeeding organization known worldwide. La Leche League is an international, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization dedicated to providing education, information, support, and encouragement to women who want to breastfeed. The site lists the many groups around the world and information on finding a local group. There are many pages of information, encouragement and support for breastfeeding moms. The have an extensive FAQ spanning several pages organized by subject and general topic. There is a also a page dedicated to finding workshops and conferences in local communities. is a site dedicated to breastfeeding and attachment parenting. This site lists educational and supportive resources to many of the difficult problems that can occur when breastfeeding. From mastitis and reflux to engorgement there are many topics discussed. There is also information on issues surrounding adoptive breastfeeding and wet nursing. It gives a brief history of breastfeeding and gives information on serious themes like breastfeeding in public and extended breastfeeding. There are personal essays and articles from other breastfeeding moms on a variety of subjects such as breastfeeding after a breast reduction fathers who are supportive of breastfeeding. There are book and product reviews and recommendation and products offered that are made by stay at home moms. is a wonderful site ran by a registered nurse. This site does its best to empower women to choose the breastfeeding options and to educate society at large about the importance and benefits of breastfeeding as the sole form of nutrition. for a newborn infant. There is help there for many of breastfeeding most painful and concerning problems such as engorgement, thrush and tongue tie.
There are links to professional breastfeeding organizations and products to increase milk production. Unusual for most breastfeeding sites, this one has a page of letters for the baby to give the maternity room nurses that express his or her wish to be breastfed and not have water or formula. There are also reviews and information on various breast pumps and lactation websites, reviews and questions.
Breastfeeding is a joyous connection for the baby and parents, celebrating the union of family. The knowledge contained on these sites is sure to enhance the experience.