Finding a Good Pediatrician in Eugene, Oregon

But how do you start the process? The first step might be to talk to your obstetrician and ask for referrals. Your choices may be limited by the type of insurance you have (of if you do not have insurance). Make a list of your requirements and wishes (location, insurance needs, age & gender of pediatrician, etc.) and any major questions you may want to ask. This will help guide you in your search. In addition to your obstetrician or other trusted family physician, you can also ask other parents for a pediatrician referral.
In Eugene, there are a few main pediatric groups, but there are several pediatricians and pediatric offices. Oregon Medical Group has several pediatric clinics including: Southtowne Pediatrics at 2460 Willamette Street (687-1668); Crescent Pediatrics at 2830 Crescent Avenue (686-9000); Valley Children’s Clinic at 2000 North 19th Street in nearby Springfield (746-5437); Westmoreland Pediatrics at 1680 Chambers Street (338-7787); Gateway Pediatrics at 1007 Harlow Rd. in Springfield (746-7040) and West Eugene Medical Center at 4135 Quest Drive (461-8006.) You can access information about these clinics and the pediatricians at
McKenzie Pediatrics is located in Springfield at 1442 South A Street. Call for information at 726-4100.
PeaceHealth Medical Group also has a pediatrics group with offices at 1162 Willamette Street (687-6061) in Downtown Eugene; the Barger Medical Building at 4010 Aerial Way (242-8500); in south Eugene at 3299 Hilyard Street (687-6340); and Coburg Road – 1800 Coburg Rd. (687-6335). You can find out more about the pediatric services and pediatricians at
If you are looking for a smaller, more intimate pediatric services, David S. Miller, MD and Helen C. Miller, MD operate Pediatric Care Associates at 995 Willagillespie Rd., Suite 200. Call for information at 341-3717.
As you do your research, you will want to call to find out which pediatricians are accepting new patients, insurance questions, etc. Some important considerations for you may be how accessible the doctor is and how your questions and concerns will be answered. In some offices, you may have an easier time getting in contact with a nurse or nurse practitioner and this will be the person you deal with on a routine basis. If this is the case, you’ll want to find out about these individuals in addition to the pediatrician. You’ll want to find out how phone calls are handled and answered, and whether or not your questions can be answered via email. How long does it take to make an appointment and how are cancellations handled? All of these logistics will affect your working relationship with the pediatric office.
If you are able to narrow down your choices, see if you can make an appointment to chat with the pediatrician. At least go by and visit the office to see how things operate – How long do patients seem to wait? Are there clean toys and an area for children to be while they wait? Are there enough chairs or does the office seem cramped and dark? All of these may influence how comfortable you feel with your pediatric choice.
One question you may want to raise is how will the pediatrician handle referrals if your child should develop an illness or condition and need to see a specialist? Is the doctor well connected and experienced with various childhood ailments, or will there be other pediatricians available within the “group” who are specialists?
It will be well worth your time to find a doctor and staff that you are comfortable with and can trust. Don’t be afraid to ask around and take the time to investigate before choosing a pediatrician in Eugene, Oregon.