Finding and Choosing a Domain Name for Your Business

The Domain Name
You want the domain name to be something is easy for people to remember. It can be the name of your company or some other memorable name. Your domain name shouldn’t be complicated or hard to remember. Some domain names are free depending upon which host you decide to go with. Some of them will offer to pay for the fee for your domain name.
You own your domain name once you purchase it. You can usually decide to own it for 1 year or 3 years or more. You always have the option of getting it renewed once the contract is up on the domain name. You can always transfer your domain name to a new host, but sometimes you have to pay an extra fee.
Find out if the domain name is available.
You need to find out if the domain name is available. You can always go to yahoo web hosting to check to see if your domain name that you want is available. Some companies also purchase other domain names that end in .net or even .org to have it redirected to their dot com name if a customer happens to type in the wrong domain name when looking for your company.
Finding your web host
Your web host is the person who lets you park your domain name with them and they make sure that your site is running smoothly. You can get cheap web hosting fees each month or sometimes you can even get them for free. One of the best web hosting is so make sure to check out the web hosting fees. There are many other places on the Internet that offer web hosting just make sure to get a few recommendations from other people before signing up with any other web host.
Sometimes web hosts do have maintenance time and often have updates to do each month. One thing to see about each web host is if they offer backups of your website to you or if you have to do backups of your website yourself. Make sure that the web host that you decide to go with has friendly customer service and has reasonable rates.
The design of your website
The design of your website is pretty simple since they have these easy website builders available with most web hosts. Some of them are simply drag, click, and drop easy website design programs. You don’t even have to know HTML for most of them. It is pretty easy to figure out. You just include whichever text that you want on your website and your pictures that you want on there. Make sure to see if the web host that you decide to let host your website has a website builder program available. Yahoo has a wonderful website builder program that is pretty easy to use. The yahoo website builder program isn’t confusing.