Finding the Motivation for Weight Loss

One of the biggest problems that people seem to face these days when it comes to weight loss is maintaining the motivation to do so. Whether they are getting sidetracked due to other obligations they have in life or are just finding that they would rather be spending their time sitting in front of the TV, motivation is not easy to come by.

First it is important to discuss the two types of motivation. To begin with, let’s discuss external motivation. This means you are being motivated from external sources. It could someone who is pressuring you to lose weight or possibly even a materialistic reward you will obtain once you reach your goal weight. Generally this type of motivation is not what you are looking for. The problem with it is that once this reward is achieved, your behavior change will likely drop off. Since the actions you have implemented are not really that important to you, you will likely slip back into your old habits.

The second type of motivation is internal motivation. This is where you are making a behavior change for reasons that are important to you. This would include things such as better health, more energy or a decreased risk of disease. Looking better would also be included in this category provided you are wanting to look better for yourself to gain more confidence rather than looking better for someone else.

So how do you go about finding motivation? The simplest way is to sit down and really think hard about why this goal is important to you. Make a list of all the reasons. After you’ve got that done you need to put this list somewhere that you will see it every day. Then when you walk by it will serve as a constant reminder of what you are trying to accomplish.

When it comes to dieting, many people see success when they put this list right on their fridge. When it is staring at you right in the face you might think twice about opening the door.

Another good way to develop strong motivation is by finding pictures of what you hope to look like. Put these again where you will see them on a daily basis. Some people may choose to use a picture of themselves either when they looked thinner, to show them what they are working towards, or use a picture of them at their heaviest state and then at various stages in their weight loss progress. The latter option will help them to see how far they’ve come when they feel like it’s just not worth it.

The final way you can seek motivation is through self-talk. It may sound silly but you would be very surprised as to how powerful your mind can be when you are working towards a goal. If you are constantly sending yourself negative messages you are likely to believe in your capabilities to achieve your goals. On the other hand, if you use positive statements, you will feel much more able to get to where you want to be.

So next time you are thinking about starting a weight loss program, make sure you take a good look at where your motivation is at. Ensure that you are doing it for the right reasons so that not only do you have an easier time loosing the weight but when you do, it stays off for good.

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