Finding the Right Exercise DVD

Denise Austin is a favorite fitness instructor among many exercise fanatics. Not me, though; she way too perky and bubbly. I don’t like that overly syrup sweet type of instructor in my Cardio workout. Yes, an instructor with a positive spirit during the exercise DVD is always a plus, but Denise Austin goes overboard with it.
Whenever I have tried to do one of her Cardio workout videos in the past, I usually end up doubling over with laughter at her dorky Miss Sunshine pep talks throughout the workout. And since laughter does not burn very many calories nor will tone anyone’s rear end, I have to say pass on the Denise Austin style of aerobic instruction-unless you’re looking for new material for your stand up comedy routine.
Billy Blanks, on the other hand, is a fitness instructor I really like. He does take some getting used to. His style of aerobic instruction in his Tae Bo exercise DVD series is choppy sometimes and he does make mistakes once in a while. For example, Billy Blanks has had a few instances during his Tae Bo workouts where he has cut too fast to a different exercise suddenly. He has also made a couple of mistakes with his aerobic instruction; he’ll say to do a particular exercise, but will catch himself and correct his mistake.
Once you learn where Billy Blanks mistakes are on his Tae Bo workouts and adjust yourself accordingly, you will get to really enjoy his brash, motivated style of aerobic instruction. Billy Blanks is a fitness instructor who is part drill sergeant and part cheerleader. He has the fierce appearance of a bull-dog and the caring heart of a golden retriever, and will keep you motivated throughout his Tae Bo workouts. You will gain endurance and speed in ways you’ve never imagined, and your physique will tighten and tone beautifully.
Kathy Smith has been a fitness instructor for over 20 years. Her style of aerobic instruction is comparable to that of a true best friend. She wants you to succeed and will take every opportunity to make sure you do her Cardio workouts safely.
When Kathy Smith comes out with a new exercise DVD, you can be sure that it was produced with safety in mind. But safety during her Cardio workouts isn’t the only thing going for her; she also makes each exercise DVD with fun in mind. Kathy Smith doesn’t believe in reinventing the wheel, she just knows the importance of jazzing it up. She takes an easy to learn Cardio workout and makes it her own by having fun with it. Kathy Smith is not afraid to be a little silly sometimes to keep you motivated-just like a best friend would.