Finding the Right Writing Class

First, figure out what it is that you want to do. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are you hoping to learn? Since there are so many choices out there you will want to limit your search parameters before you begin. What area of expertise do you specialize in? Asking yourself these questions before you sign up for a class or seminar will greatly improve the chances of you gaining some skill or appreciation from the class. From poetry and non fiction, to marketing, and business ethics you have a host of selections to choose from. Take a real look at your abilities and what you expect to learn. You should also consider your finances as there is usually some sort of fee for these workshops. After you define your wants and needs all you have to do is look for the right class.
Where to Look for Writing Classes
One of the best places to begin your search for a writing class is on the internet. The online community has grown by millions in the last few years and the writing community has reaped some of the benefits. Today, there is a wide variety of online writing groups, classes and exercises, seminars, lectures, and college level writing and business courses. Many of the online classes are aimed at the beginning writer and seem to offer too many tips on breaking into the market, and not enough information on networking and learning. Some of the other groups and classes are aimed at the professional and freelance writer, and can be a helpful source when seeking seminars or courses.
If you don’t know where to begin you can try Freelance Success at or Writers Online Workshops, sponsored by Writer’s Digest at Both of these sites are great for resources and class sign ups. There is also which provides lots of useful information for freelance writers, as well as public forums used for marketing and networking.
Online Courses
Taking an online course with an accredited university is also a great way to gain some new skills without having to go to school full time. Many online courses can be taken at will meaning that there is not usually a specific time or date that you have to be logged on. If you are taking a college course you should expect standardized testing. Testing is always reserved for a set period of time and date. Your professor will most likely send an email or post a message on the online classroom discussion board. Online instruction is perfect for writers that have limited amounts of time to be in class. You will still get the feel of a traditional class without actually sitting in one. Of course you should make sure that your class is being taught by a reputable professor before you invest your hard earned money.
The Local Writing Community
If online learning is not for you and you would rather participate in a live class you have many options as well. Many universities, libraries, and writing clubs also offer all sorts of classes and programs for aspiring and working writers. Community college is a good route if you are looking to gain knowledge in business or management, or journalism. If you are looking for poetry, non fiction, scriptwriting, and other sorts of writing you may want to check into local groups and meetings. Check bulletin boards at local colleges and libraries to see if anyone is getting together to share the joy or writing. You will often be surprised how many groups there actually are, especially if you live in a large city. Community writers groups also offer an array of classes, workshops, and lectures for all kinds of writers. The Learning Annex Magazine also has many resources for working writers such as live lectures and seminars, for you and a guest.