Fire Pit Review: Smith & Hawken Ardan Fire Bowl

When you think of summer, you think of late nights under the stars, toasting marshmellows and making s’mores. Of course, that’s usually when you’re on vacation. Most residential land prohibits one from having a ring of stones and a shallow hole that make up a fire pit. However, portable fire pits that stand above the ground are accepted in most places (make sure the firepit or and its installation meets all city and state building codes). They come in a variety of different styles, ranging from tabletop fire pits to outdoor fireplaces. Set it up anywhere in your backyard, ring a few comfortable chairs or benches around it and boom – instant summer under the stars.

When one first looks into purchasing a fire pit, they may be daunted by some of the high prices, but not all fire pits are alike or cost the same amount. The lowest price you might find one for is about sixty dollars. The higher on models, such as a fire table made of ceramic, can run over a thousand dollars. However, these can be just as nice and practical as the higher end models.

A fire pit can accent your yard. Some are round, some are square. Some below ground, some elevated. Some in water, some in stone. For an acceptable fit pit in your back yard, the fire pit you choose must be elevated above the ground. Portable pits are made from metal and can be taken with you when camping or for tailgate parties and are much less expensive than a permanent fire pit. The options and versatility of purchasing a fire pit are what appeals to consumers. While you are giving up a few features, such as a decadent mosaic tiling on an elegant fire table, you have the practicality of taking the fire pit with you anywhere you want.

Recently, I purchased a Smith & Hawken Ardan Fire Bowl from Target, a portable fire pit that is 35″ wide. Whether you use wood or coal to burn is up to you. This rust-resistant, steel and copper fire bowl is safe and affordable. It comes with a mesh screen to protect accident sparks and fire poker, too. The price tag is a hundred dollars and is a no-frills version of other fire pits. It’s simple, affordable, and safe. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys talking around the fire and eating s’mores.

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