First Impressions: How Important Are They?

First impressions are important to a lot of people. Generally people go by the first impression they have of you, when considering future contact. For instance, ladies, when you walk up to a man and strike up a conversation, don’t ask the man right off the bat what he does for a living, or how much money he makes. This will give the impression that you are interested in his wallet, and not his conversation. No hard working man wants to date a known gold digger. So, maybe you are not a gold digger and just curious. At least wait until your first date to ask the man what he does for living. Still though, don’t ask him how much money he makes, if he wants you to know, he will tell you.

What kind of first impression do you give? Many people don’t realize that first impressions are often what makes or breaks you with any particular person. Are you a single guy wanting to hook up with the chick that has large breasts? If so, when you approach her, talking to her breasts and not her face, will give off a first impression that you are more interested in what her breasts have to say than her mouth. No lady that I can personally think of likes this behavior. But yet, we are faced with it on a daily basis, and often during first impressions.

Good first impressions are usually not made when you are commenting on someone’s particular body parts. Saying things such as “Your butt sure does look good in those jeans”, usually will not leave a good first impression. No one wants to hear from a stranger hollering across a parking lot about how good their butt looks. That is in fact quite demeaning and disrespectful to men and women alike. Trust me, they wont come running after you to give you their phone number. Also, using tacky lines about “how you could get lost in their eyes” are so old and used up. Using these old lines for a first impression, often show that you have no wit of your own. Try to come up with a classy original one for a good first impression.

Another thing about first impressions is body language. Body language can sometimes say it all when not a single word has been spoken. Guys, while walking down a busy street passing by all the beautiful ladies, try not to look them up and down. This is another thing ladies notice, and does not give a great first impression. You never know, that gorgeous lady you just looked up and down on the street may be the one you sit next to on the subway. She isn’t going to give you the time of day, much less a date on Friday night. Also, when you approach someone, be sure you don’t stand too close. This can often give a bad first impression itself. No one likes for someone they do not know to get up in their personal breathing space. This can also be taken as a come-on, which as a first impression can be bad. Be sure to give the person you are talking to enough space to move and breath. No one likes to feel smothered by a stranger.

If a good first impression is something you want to give, just remember to always be polite and thoughtful. Guys, holding the door open for ladies give off a great first impression. Bending over to pick something up for someone else is good as well. Maybe compliment the cute guy standing in line in front of you on his hair. Perhaps even compliment his smile. Just be sure it is done in a classy thoughtful way. You never know, it might even strike up a conversation.

Good first impressions are really not hard to make. Anyone can do it, it is not rocket science. All men and women alike are capable of leaving a good first impression no matter what the situation. To many it comes very natural. When you go out today, make your first impression to someone a good one.

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