Fisher Price Oceans of Wonder Cradle Swing

I soon came home and researched online for a retailer. There are several different places such as Babies R Us as well as Kmart, Target and Walmart. The prices ranged from $99.00 thru $125.00. The shipping was rather pricey so I opted to buy directly from the store. I purchased the swing For a little over $100.00 from Babies R Us. The assembly was fairly simple a few pieces to put together as well as adding the 4 D batteries and it was set up.
I was able to put my son in this from day one and he loved it, the pros were he was able to use this for almost 9 months, it was perfect to put him in to get a much needed break and it kept him occupied for hours on end. I didn’t use the removable toy bar until he was older and I don’t think he ever noticed. This is a very durable swing and I have passed it on to a dear friend of mine.
The only cons to this swing is due to the size it makes it difficult to move it around from room to room alot. The motor is also kind of loud at times nothing earth shattering but not as quiet as I would have liked, and if you use the swing alot it does go thru the batteries.
All in all I would highly suggest this swing to any parent or caregiver. It is worth its weight in gold.