Fitness Programs for Seniors

More and more, seniors are finding the importance of exercise to overall good health. Some seniors are interested in exercise on their own. Still others are encouraged by doctors to become and remain active for good health.

Studies show moderate and habitual exercise has a multitude of health benefits. Exercise has been proven to limit risks of heart disease, maintain weight and ward off diabetes as well as lower blood pressure and reduce stress. Regular exercise can also help improve sleep and aid digestion, keeping the body and bowels regular.

Many of these health issues are ones seniors face. Participating in a fitness program for seniors can help many seniors manage aspects of their health without medication or constant visits to the doctor’s office.

All individuals, including and especially seniors, should not begin a fitness program without first consulting a doctor. Seniors with existing medical issues may need help designing a fitness program that will benefit the body and not increase health issues.

When designing a fitness program for seniors, it is important to have aerobic exercise as a base. Aerobic exercise is any exercise that increases the heart rate. Examples to use in a fitness program include walking, biking, swimming, and jogging. Seniors with more range of motion may enjoy dance or yoga as part of a fitness program. Walking if probably the easiest to start and maintain in the fitness program. Seniors with painful joints or weight issues may choose to include swimming as part of a fitness program, as it reduces pressure on the joints.

It is important for seniors, when starting a fitness program, to start slowly. Most likely, if a fitness program is required, it is due to lack of exercise. Starting out slowly will help the body adjust to the level of activity and will help the body heal if need be. Practicing a moderate fitness program twice a week in the beginning and building frequency and duration as the body becomes more comfortable is a smart way to approach the fitness program.

Seniors may also choose to join a gym or a senior center with fitness programs in place. This can be beneficial to seniors in many ways. For one, the fitness program is monitored and therefore the individual can be assured the exercise is appropriate and done properly. It is also reassuring to know, especially for seniors, that people are around in case of a fall or sudden health issue requiring attention. Another benefit for seniors of an organized fitness program is the opportunity to be social. Often, another issue with seniors is a feeling of loneliness or isolation. Maintaining a fitness program with others will eliminate those feelings and lead to an increase feeling of well-being. Working with others can also help any individuals, including seniors, stick to a program. Too often, when left to exercise on one’s own, individuals, including seniors, are more likely to give up and abandon a program.

Whatever program is chosen, it is important for good health that seniors stick to regular and moderate exercise under the supervision of a physician. Simple exercise can help seniors live a longer, healthier and happier life!

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