Five Advantages of Chainsaw Mills

You can use a bandsaw, chainsaw, or circular saw as part of a portable mill. Chainsaw mills have numerous advantages when compared to the other types. Some of these advantages include portability, cost, and size. This article will discuss some of the advantages of chainsaw mills.


One of the main advantages of chainsaw mills is their portability. Some areas can’t be accessed with a bandsaw mill. You may also not have a tractor to carry the log to the main. Chainsaw mills have the advantage of being able to be rolled into these inaccessible areas.


Another advantage of chainsaw mills is their cost. A bandsaw mill will usually cost you at least $3,500. A circular sawmill will cost even more, starting at $30,000. Chainsaw mills are very inexpensive compared to these two. They will only cost you a few hundred dollars.


Size is also one of the advantages of chainsaw mills. These mills have various widths available that allow for easy customization of the cut. Chainsaw mills are capable of cutting larger-sized logs than most bandsaw mills are capable of cutting. Some mills can even cut up to 34 inches.


One of the final advantages of chainsaw mills is that you don’t have to worry so much about nails in the wood. You may encounter a nail when you’re cutting a log. That nail will likely destroy the blade of a bandsaw, so you’d have to buy another blade. Chainsaw mills will go right through the nail, although you may have to sharpen the blade soon afterwards.


You may be required to cut a lot of knotty wood with your mill. If you use a bandsaw mill, the blade will have a tendency to ride up when it approaches a knot. Therefore, you will have to spend more time preparing the wood because knotty wood needs a lot of planing before being run through a bandsaw mill. Chainsaw mills will cut right through knots so you don’t have to do that extra work.

These are some of the advantages of using chainsaw mills over the other types. These mills are more portable, so You will be able to reach areas that you can’t reach with a bandsaw mill. Chainsaw mills are also less expensive than the other types, only costing a few hundred dollars as opposed to spending thousands of dollars for a portable mill.

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