Five Creative Ideas for Free Gas Money

Should this first free gas money idea not work for you, here are some other ideas you can use to get free gasoline.
Free gas money idea # 2: Paid carpool. Instead of taking turns driving to work, with your co-workers, you can charge to pick up three people each day and drive them to work. This works especially well if you are the type that can’t stand to have someone else drive you, and the money should cover the money you normally spend driving to work, plus the weekends. Just be careful not to charge too much or people will be more likely to take the bus.
Free gas money idea #3: Lunch service: Since so many of your co-workers have given up driving their cars to work, it is likely that their lunch options are limited. You can make some extra money by offering to pick up their lunches. Send around a lunch order list first thing in the morning, offering a choice of two restaurants and charge $1.00 extra. Call ahead so you can do it quickly, pick up the lunches and collect your free gas money for the day. Just be sure to ask your boss, and do not let your little “business” interfere with your real work.
Free gas money ideas #4. You very likely did this when you were a kid, or at least I did. On snowy days, when my parents would send me to the store, I would stop at the houses of the elderly people in the neighborhood to see if they needed anything too. I would be tipped generously. When you are heading to the grocery store, stop at the house of someone who does not get around too well, and find out what they need. Chances are they will tip you well, and if they do not, then you can charge a fee next time.
Free gas money idea #5 Make your own car magnet business: Speak to local businesses about advertising for them. Offer to put a business magnet on your car for a fee. You can advertise for up to four businesses on one large magnet. If you offer something for free like buy one, get one pizzas, with your phone number linked to a voice mail box, and then mail out coupons to the customers yourself, you will be able to show the shop owner how much business you brought in, proving your worth.