Five Desserts You Should Never Eat While Dieting

Ah, desserts, don’t we all just love them? We all indulge sometimes but not al desserts are created equal. Dieting can be challenge so why sink yourself with products that are far above the average in calories, cholestrol and saturated fat?

Choosing a dessert is not just about calories. Some desserts are so bad for you that afterr reading what they really contain you may never want to eat them again! Whether you are dieting, just generally interested in healthy eating and especially if you are on a “heart smart” plan, you will want to know about these “dessert disaters”. I call them “the five desserts you should never eat.”

First we have the 6 carb original cheeseake from the cheesecake factory. it claims to have “all of the all of the great taste of the original ceesecake factory brand cakes.” Well I would like to know why it shouldn’t. This “light carb” edittion has only twnety calories less than the original. In other words, what’s the difference? Each slice has a whopping six hundred and ten calories. This is basically the same as having an eight once prime rib for dessert! I am not suggesting that a person never eat a piece of cheesecake again. I put this item on the “dessert disater” list for trying to portray itself as a “healthy choice”.

I recall a time when I felt l was on the right track because I would skip dessert in favor of having “just one cookie”. When I found out what was in one Mrs. Field’s chocolate and walnut cookie, I was derailed. I was pretty stunned. These treats are not even that large. When I considered that one serving, one cookie, had six teaspoons of sugar I was taken aback . Finding out that it had as much fat as twelve ounce sirloin really got to me. As much fat as nearly a pound of meat for one cookie? In many instances, you would do just as well to have a second steak with your dinner. They contain about three hundred calories, which is nt bad, but if you are watching your cholestrol I’d recommend giving this dessert the boot. There are other cookies that are a far healthier choice.

Next is a relatively new snack called “Swoops”. Swoops come in several differet varities, some of which are about equal to any candybar. The almond joy and hershey’s milk chocalte swops as quite similair to a typical chocalte bar. Watch out though, if you choose the york peppermint patty or reese’s swoops. Thanks to highly saturated palm and/or palm kernel oil there is a big difference between the swoops version and the original. Swoops peppermint patty has three times as much fat as a york peppermint patty bar. Reese’s swoops have twice as much fat as a regular reese’s peanut butter cup. With eight grams of fat you wil be taking in one third of a one days’ recommended intake for one dssert. Why not have the original Rreeses’s cup or Peppermint Patty and save the difference?

The next shocker is named the haagen-dazs mint chip dazzler. Ok, perhaps we would not expect haagen-dazs to becoming out with anything that is exactly low cal or low fat. I was still pretty surprised thogh by what was in this one. Since it has ice cream , hot fudge, oreos and whip cream, I was ready for the calorie count. It weighed in at one thousand two hundred and seventy caories a serving. It aslo contains a stunning thirty eight grams of saturated fat. That’s two days” worth. You can chose this dessert..or you can sit down and have a t bone steak, ceasar salad and a baked baked potato with the sour cream. This one dssert has almost as many calories as some people wish to eat in a day.

Our last “dessert disaster” is the Strarbucks Venti strawberries and Creme Frappaccino blended Creme. What I see here is a milk shake..not a coffee. Maybe you think I am going to far when I ask that you think about passing up an after dinner coffee. I say go after and have that coffee, just don’t have this one. Drinking this is the same as eating a Pizza hut personal pan pizza. If you do want to have this, do not let yourself think,”how bad could a coofee be?” This cool drink packs seven hundred and seventy calories. Not only that, it delivers nineteen grams of fat and half of them are from saturated fat. That’s have a days’ supply of fat in one glass. Starbuck’s has many delicious coffee drinks. Why not choose something else ? Your areteries will thank you for it.

So there you have it, my picks for what not to have for dessert. Especially now that there are all kinds of lighter, lower fat choices I know you will be able to find many other desserts to enjoy. Healthy eating is not about deprivation, it’s about making good choices. Eat well and you will not only feel better, you will longer and happier.

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