Five Disadvantages of Bathtub Liners

If your tub looks worn out, you have three options. You can have it replaced, refinished, or install a liner. Bathtub liners have a few disadvantages when compared to the other options. Some of these disadvantages include plumbing, cracking, and expense. This article will discuss the disadvantages of bathtub liners.


One of the first disadvantages of bathtub liners is the plumbing. The liners can sometimes cause a variety of plumbing problems in your tub. This is caused by the added thickness of the liner. You may have to extend the drain and overflow to avoid these plumbing problems.


Water can also present a problem with bathtub liners. Although they are sealed, water sometimes collects between the liner and the tub. This normally causes bathtub liners to feel squishy whenever you step in or out of the tub. The collected water may also become stagnant which can cause odor problems. In worst cases, mildew and mold will start to build up.


Bathtub liners will eventually need to be replaced because they will wear out. Unfortunately, most liners are glued to the tub during installation. This will present a problem when you need to replace it. Bathtub liners that are glued in have to be cut or ripped out to be replaced.


Another problem with bathtub liners is cracking. When the shell is manufactured, it has to match the measurements of your bathtub exactly. If it doesn’t, the liner will start to flex over time. This flexing will eventually cause bathtub liners to crack. Water can easily enter these cracks and cause the problems that were mentioned earlier.


One of the final disadvantages of bathtub liners is the expense. Although they are a cheaper option that total replacement of the tub, they are considerably more expensive than having the tub refinished. The average price you would have to pay to have the tub refinished is $550. Bathtub liners cost a minimum of $600, while high end models can cost you as much as $2,000.

These are some of the disadvantages of bathtub liners. Because they are glued down, they can be difficult to replace whenever they wear out. Bathtub liners may also crack over time, which can allow water to accumulate between the liner and the tub. The collection of water will become stagnant and cause odor problems and may even lead to the buildup of mold and mildew.

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